Setting Feb 16, want to join in>Hatch-Along

So it's day 7 and out of 48 eggs I have 14 developing. 5 sizzles, 3 cochins, 4 bantam br, and 2 d'anver/silkies. That's a LOT of infertiles and 9/13 shipped eggs didn't fare well.

Here's a pic of my candling :)

So it's day 7 and out of 48 eggs I have 14 developing. 5 sizzles, 3 cochins, 4 bantam br, and 2 d'anver/silkies. That's a LOT of infertiles and 9/13 shipped eggs didn't fare well. Here's a pic of my candling :)
I have one that looks similar. Is this an example of a porous egg? I read that porous eggs don't do well. I am hoping that is not the case.
This egg is relatively porous, but it's losing weight right on track so I'm not too worried :)
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I've hatched lots of porous eggs. So far I haven't noticed a difference between them and other less-porous eggs. Maybe if I was hatching on a much larger scale I would notice a trend? But honestly I don't worry about them anymore, they seem to develop and hatch just fine for me. :)
I candled everyone tonight; just couldn't wait and had to try out my new flashlight! 7 out of 7 Welsh Harlequin ducks are developing. Of the 11 buff Orpingtons, 1 might have a blood ring/be infertile, but I'm not sure. 5 have embryos for sure. The other 5 eggs are darker and somewhat porous, I just couldn't see good enough to say yea or nay on them. I might check those again on day 10.
So my water wiggler has been reading 98.6 since I've taken out all of my infertile eggs, even though the air is reading 100. I decided to see whether the water wiggler was accurate or not...yes I might be a little obsessive. LOL

The thermometer inside the water wiggler now inside one of the fertile eggs I removed. Don't worry, it'll be removed in the morning after I see what the reading is :p

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Now That's a DIY egg thermometer! I'm curious how it works out. :)
Has anyone here used the cloth bag with rice for humidity stabilization? I had one on my neck the other day, it was so warm and humid, but doesn't stay that way for long. I was wondering if it was in an incubator if it would stay warm and humid. Then I was wondering if it would be a bacteria nightmare...

So my water wiggler has been reading 98.6 since I've taken out all of my infertile eggs, even though the air is reading 100. I decided to see whether the water wiggler was accurate or not...yes I might be a little obsessive. LOL

The thermometer inside the water wiggler now inside one of the fertile eggs I removed. Don't worry, it'll be removed in the morning after I see what the reading is :p

Well that was interesting, it read 126 degrees...uh yeah right. I'm wondering if the probe doesn't do so well submerged in goop or if the fact there's a hole in the top made it wonky. Who knows! Oh well, back to the water wiggler to see what it says today.

That Egg o Meter is just what I need, I think I'll get one with my tax return.
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My Sportsman is here!! I'm so excited now I have to figure out if I'm moving things from the hovabator and little giant to the sportsman or just starting new eggs in there WOOHOOO

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