Setting Feb 16, want to join in>Hatch-Along

On my first hatch after they pipped I didn't move from in front of the incubator all day and most of the night. My hubby actually ordered me to bed because I was falling asleep sitting there!! I'll probably be that way this time too. I'm hoping everything turns out alright on this hatch. For some reason when I checked them earlier the humidity had spiked and so had the temp. I have no clue what happened unless it had something to do with the light above it. Normally that light isn't on but it was today.
Okay Team Aflac is on the has an external pip and one is rolling around.....YES! they were cheeps I was hearing. Texted my husband to say we had external pipping....his response...."?" SEE WHAT I MEAN? SMH!
Im glad im not the only thats excited. I swear i came home from work today and tried listening through the incubators for peeping/ pecking with my stethoscope ! Im beginning to think i have ocd..obsessive chicken disorder:)
Im glad im not the only thats excited. I swear i came home from work today and tried listening through the incubators for peeping/ pecking with my stethoscope ! Im beginning to think i have ocd..obsessive chicken disorder:)

A stethoscope....hmm...I have a stethoscope...I have a few. Never even crossed my mind until
Im glad im not the only thats excited. I swear i came home from work today and tried listening through the incubators for peeping/ pecking with my stethoscope ! Im beginning to think i have ocd..obsessive chicken disorder:)

A stethoscope....hmm...I have a stethoscope...I have a few.  Never even crossed my mind until

Coulnt hear anything over the fan. But i could in the still air.......
Im glad im not the only thats excited. I swear i came home from work today and tried listening through the incubators for peeping/ pecking with my stethoscope ! Im beginning to think i have ocd..obsessive chicken disorder:)

LOL...oh my gosh you sound just like me!!! BUT I think I have just about gone off the deep end with this "chicken" OCD. I actually arranged my work schedule so that I can take off thurs., fri. and sat. PLUS...I pilfered a 60ml syringe and an expired straight catheter from work so that I could rig up a way to add water during lock down....I am truly sick!
Well, my little broody house silkie, Sparkle, took a little longer break today. She even wanted a bit of a dust bath outside in the sun before she returned to her nest in the brooder bin. Makes me thinks SHE'S "locking down" for the final days. She's been moving the eggs around and clucking to them a lot more today.

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