Setting Feb 16, want to join in>Hatch-Along

Woo hoo to the pip above!
I am pretty sure I heard some peeping from the incubator today (from inside the eggs) So awesome.
I hope they are strong enough to hatch.
Glad everyone is starting to pip and pop
Nothing from my little nuggets yet, but it's not day 20 until 3pm and I candled everyone last night when I had to add water to the trays (I was in a very steamy bathroom :p when I did this, haha). They were all moving last night and there were no internal pips so I think it's safe to do other things today :)
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Just have to say I thank whoever came up with the idea of "hatch a longs" to hear what is happening with everyone. It takes up some of my time when I am not checking out the incubator! I am pretty sure that since i will be gone tomorrow for most of the day...then off for spring break for a week, they will all decide to make their appearance during the day tomorrow. DH is working from home tomorrow, so I will get to see what his interest is in the whole deal. He loves animals, but he just hasn't been interested in the hatching process as much as I am, so it is putting a dent in my enthusiasm! That's okay, 'cause teenage daughter (17) and I appear to be doing some type of bonding, she was here when the ducks hatched and now is checking them a lot, taking pictures, posting on facebook, emailing pics. Keeps asking about the chicks too...NOW...what do I do about the 15 y.o. son who says everything opposite of what I say?
Congratulations to those who have little fuzzies!

I seem to be having a humidity issue today. When I came back from the store it was in the 40's. I've covered it with a blanket now and it's back to the low 60's. i hope the chicks are okay.
Mine started to go down yesterday too, but I didn't let it get past 60%. It had been holding 67% so I knew something was up. Turned out my trays were nearly dried up, so I added a lot more warm water to the trays and now it's holding 70%. It'll slowly drop as the days go on, but by then they should be hatching so it'll be bumped up again.

[edit]...NOW...what do I do about the 15 y.o. son who says everything opposite of what I say?

Mammat if you figure that out please share with me! Mine is 16 in a month. It's kind of fun if his Dad and I have opposing opinions, the kid has to agree with one of us then.
No pips yet from my crew. Only middle of day 19 but I am nervous!!!! I keep staring through the incubator window....

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