Setting Feb 16, want to join in>Hatch-Along

I think my hatch is complete. They started to hatch Wednesday night. Here are some pics. I had five Silkies, three EE/OEs, and one Cream Legbar - my first ever. Of 11 that went to lockdown, 9 hatched. This was from a total of 27 eggs, half were shipped eggs. Of the 13 shipped eggs, only one hatched - my lone CL. Of the 14 local eggs, eight hatched out of nine that developed. This is the worst hatch rate for me. I've had an average of 50% hatch rate on shipped eggs before, and close to 90% on local eggs. This time, even the local eggs were only about 65%. I think the cold weather affected fertility, and being shipped made it worse. My previous hatches were in the summer and fall. I hope everyone else has better numbers.

So cute!!! I STILL don't have anything happening with my eggs! Day 21 started at 6am for me today! Should I be worried? Is there anything I should do? I candled them earlier today already and I don't want to mess with them but I'm scared that nothing is happening...My temp and humidity have been holding great this whole time...
So cute!!! I STILL don't have anything happening with my eggs! Day 21 started at 6am for me today! Should I be worried? Is there anything I should do? I candled them earlier today already and I don't want to mess with them but I'm scared that nothing is happening...My temp and humidity have been holding great this whole time...
Just be patient
. I set my eggs on the 15th. The last OE that hatched was a surprise. I thought I was done, then I found him after I got home from work yesterday. Of all the eggs that hatched, I only saw movement in one egg when I candled before putting them in lock down. The others, the airsac looked good, and the eggs were completely full so I assumed they were all good.
HeyHeyPaULA--So cute!!! I STILL don't have anything happening with my eggs! Day 21 started at 6am for me today! Should I be worried? Is there anything I should do? I candled them earlier today already and I don't want to mess with them but I'm scared that nothing is happening...My temp and humidity have been holding great this whole time...

I would not worry at all yet. I think mine were early this time. Last hatch they were all right on day 21 when the pips started. They actually did not hatch until the next day.
I'm convinced that my chicks love to torture me. The first one always takes FOREVER to start zipping. Little skinkers!
We came home today to 3 pipped eggs and another moving a lot. Chicks are cheeping too. So cool.

Our first hatch .Only 7 eggs left in the bator. I wonder if we will have any chicks out in the morning.
I only had the water in there cause I was having trouble with the humidity staying up with my sponges. I honestly didn't think it was deep enough for them to drown but I guess it was. I feel so awful that it happened. However I do have 5 babies hatched and 1 more almost out. Plus I have 9 more that haven't pipped or anything yet.
My chicks have finally started hatching - tomorrow is day 21 but am going to wait probably until Sunday. We had 2 power outages during the past 3 weeks, and strange temp fluctuations. Here is a dark cell phone pic through the bator window...

I only had the water in there cause I was having trouble with the humidity staying up with my sponges. I honestly didn't think it was deep enough for them to drown but I guess it was. I feel so awful that it happened. However I do have 5 babies hatched and 1 more almost out. Plus I have 9 more that haven't pipped or anything yet.
It's not your fault, it was a mistake
All is not lost!

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