Setting Fertile Eggs Under Broody Due to Hatch November, Come Join Me!!!


7 Years
Jul 10, 2012
The Foothills Of Chickendom
I've just set half a dozen fertile eggs (4 Minorcas and 2 White Leghorns) under my broody Sussex hen and 11 fertile eggs (6 Minorca eggs and 4 White leghorn eggs and one possible fertile Lavender Blue Araucana egg) under my broody Red Sex-link (Isa Brown) hen. So 16 eggs in total. They are due to hatch on the 18/11/12 (Australian date set out: 18th-Day/11th-Month/2012-Year.) Please come join me on this adventure, incubators and broody hens all welcome.

(I wont be candling this set, just completely natural) i cant wait to hear everyone's results. (If you've just hatched some eggs id love to hear the results of the hatch and other information).
I have a first time broody hen that's sitting on 10 eggs for two days now! They are supposed to hatch on the 15th November! I hope she keeps sitting on them the next few weeks and doesn't give up!
This is my first hen to be old enough to lay eggs so I'm still very new to this!

I have set 6 eggs under my first ever broody! (Thankfully something finally went broody!!!) I popped them under her on the 20th of this month so they should be due on about the 10th of November. She hopped off the nest to feed the other day and I can't remember if there was 6 of the original eggs under her, but I do know that there was a massive egg from one of my isa browns under her!! I removed it as I am getting her to hatch some of my modern game bantam eggs. I hope she does a good job as I want to get as many moderns hatching as possible (hopefully future champions in the show pens haha)

cluckcluckluke - I'm an aussie
I have a first time broody hen that's sitting on 10 eggs for two days now! They are supposed to hatch on the 15th November! I hope she keeps sitting on them the next few weeks and doesn't give up!
This is my first hen to be old enough to lay eggs so I'm still very new to this!


I have set 6 eggs under my first ever broody! (Thankfully something finally went broody!!!) I popped them under her on the 20th of this month so they should be due on about the 10th of November. She hopped off the nest to feed the other day and I can't remember if there was 6 of the original eggs under her, but I do know that there was a massive egg from one of my isa browns under her!! I removed it as I am getting her to hatch some of my modern game bantam eggs. I hope she does a good job as I want to get as many moderns hatching as possible (hopefully future champions in the show pens haha)

cluckcluckluke - I'm an aussie

Hay TimBaumann, this is my first broody as well and she has eleven eggs under her and they are due on the 18th, so we are almost exactly the same and i hope my broody doesn't go off the nest either, Ive already had her being broody for about 2 weeks before i put the fertile eggs under.

Hay Tinak, what part of Aussie are you from, I'm in Coffs Harbour, NSW. Have you marked your eggs, that always help. When my broody came out for a feed (she does this every afternoon) i checked how the eggs were going and found 2 of my other Red Sex-links (Isa Browns) had laid there so i just removed them and the marking of the fertile eggs with a non toxic/ poisonous marker or pencil made it easier to distinguish which where fertile(even though my fertile eggs that i have are pure white).
cluckcluck luke - I'm from South West Vic. When my broody hopped off her nest tonight I found another isa brown egg under her!!!! **** red heads! She only has 4 of the modern eggs under her which is a bit annoying! I always mark my eggs depending on which breeding pair they have come from (using pencil).

On a better note - I can hear peeping from my incubator
cluckcluck luke - I'm from South West Vic. When my broody hopped off her nest tonight I found another isa brown egg under her!!!! **** red heads! She only has 4 of the modern eggs under her which is a bit annoying! I always mark my eggs depending on which breeding pair they have come from (using pencil).

On a better note - I can hear peeping from my incubator

oh that's a great part of Victoria, do you like it??? Ye i found another one under my broody again today, getting a little annoying, and i hope your eggs go well and that the incubator ones hatch alright, its great to hear that they are peeping good luck with them. Is it your own home made incubator.
I love it over this way Luke - we just moved here 2 years ago and I couldn't imagine being anywhere else!

No action in the incubator yet! Still waiting & watching like a mad woman! It is a home made incubator and I have had successful hatches in it before so I hope this one goes to plan. I did have the light blow a week or so ago so they may hatch a bit late. I know they survived and they were all happy and alive still just before lock down. I have just placed an order for a Bellsouth incubator and I expect it to arrive by the weekend or early next week at the latest ready for my next hatch. I can't fit enough eggs in my home made one!

I locked up my broody and her eggs.... well I built a cage around her to hopefully keep the other hens out! I haven't checked on her yet today so I'd better pop outside soon and see that there haven't been any break ins!
I love it over this way Luke - we just moved here 2 years ago and I couldn't imagine being anywhere else!

No action in the incubator yet! Still waiting & watching like a mad woman! It is a home made incubator and I have had successful hatches in it before so I hope this one goes to plan. I did have the light blow a week or so ago so they may hatch a bit late. I know they survived and they were all happy and alive still just before lock down. I have just placed an order for a Bellsouth incubator and I expect it to arrive by the weekend or early next week at the latest ready for my next hatch. I can't fit enough eggs in my home made one!

I locked up my broody and her eggs.... well I built a cage around her to hopefully keep the other hens out! I haven't checked on her yet today so I'd better pop outside soon and see that there haven't been any break ins!

That's good to hear, i love it where i am as well. Yeah I'm constantly checking on my broody, its going to be the longest 3 weeks of my life, I'm getting impatient at day 3 AHHH!!!. I am wanting to make a home made brooder but i dont think it will be very successful and i have no idea how to start. How much is the Bellsouth your getting. I was thinking of making a cage around my broody i can put food and water in for her but it means she wont be able to go out and go to the toilet or forage for a little bit, will this matter???
well it looks like my cage has worked. No sign of any intruders! My cage is big enough for my hen to get up and have a strut around. She had made her nest under a bench that is in the corner of the coop (shed) so I just kind of closed it in with some wire scraps I had around the place!

As long as you give yours a nice variety of food and she has a way to get off the nest to go to the toilet you should be OK. You can always snip up some grass with scissors and throw that in to her as well. That way she won't miss out on any greens!

If you want to make anything home made - brooders, incubators, hatchers - this forum has some of the best information available on the web! Don't be scared.... start by doing some reading and go from there!
well it looks like my cage has worked. No sign of any intruders! My cage is big enough for my hen to get up and have a strut around. She had made her nest under a bench that is in the corner of the coop (shed) so I just kind of closed it in with some wire scraps I had around the place!

As long as you give yours a nice variety of food and she has a way to get off the nest to go to the toilet you should be OK. You can always snip up some grass with scissors and throw that in to her as well. That way she won't miss out on any greens!

If you want to make anything home made - brooders, incubators, hatchers - this forum has some of the best information available on the web! Don't be scared.... start by doing some reading and go from there!

That's good, if i was to make a cage it wouldn't be very big she has gotten broody in one of the main laying boxes for all my hens and its up of the ground so theirs no room..........unless i have literally just thought of a splendid idea as I'm typing right now, ill try it out tomorrow, I'm not around all day though so i cant keep checking on her. I shall have a good look around about making a brooder and maybe even start up a new thread thanks for all the help.
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