I've just set half a dozen fertile eggs (4 Minorcas and 2 White Leghorns) under my broody Sussex hen and 11 fertile eggs (6 Minorca eggs and 4 White leghorn eggs and one possible fertile Lavender Blue Araucana egg) under my broody Red Sex-link (Isa Brown) hen. So 16 eggs in total. They are due to hatch on the 18/11/12 (Australian date set out: 18th-Day/11th-Month/2012-Year.) Please come join me on this adventure, incubators and broody hens all welcome.
(I wont be candling this set, just completely natural) i cant wait to hear everyone's results. (If you've just hatched some eggs id love to hear the results of the hatch and other information).
(I wont be candling this set, just completely natural) i cant wait to hear everyone's results. (If you've just hatched some eggs id love to hear the results of the hatch and other information).