Setting Mouse Traps. I Can't Be The Only One They Terrify.



Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow
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9 Years
Jul 16, 2015
Husband is away hunting. I'm home alone. I go to the basement and see a mouse sitting on my dog grooming table. I back up the stairs, and regroup. I go back to the basement and retrieve a mouse trap from the pile of them. I pick carefully as I see one is sitting there still set from last fall.

I put my peanut butter on it, than comes the hard part. I hold down the killing bar and set the trap. Now I gotta figure out how to release it and set it down without setting it off. My heart is pumping and I'm terrified. Such a silly situation. I finally get it released safely and set on the table. I'm so relieved. I feel like I just successfully armed some explosives. This isn't my thing.

This morning, dead mouse. Than I realize I gotta set more traps. :barnie

Anyone else a goof like me when setting a mouse trap, or is it just me? :rolleyes:
I've trapped so many mice in this place, I feel like I'm working on a personal genocide!

There are different types of traps you can get, we use one that looks like a crocodile clip, it can go off on your finger and it doesn't hurt at all, which takes away the anxiety for setting! but it still kills the mice.

I wish we had mice! I have the same issue with rat traps. Vicious things. You just have to pray they don't go off as you set them down.:fl
I don't have the fortitude for rat traps. :thI don't think I could survive those. :lau

My husband uses rat traps to catch starlings and sparrows in my shed. I get freaked out if he doesn't put them up high enough.
Have you tried the plastic jaw type traps? Not sure if there's mouse size ones but they're much easier to set. Or electric is fantastic for ease of use.

Otherwise I admit I made hubby set the old snap traps, every time he accidentally set one off I'd jump in a panic.
You just reminded me we bought an electric one last fall but never used it. I will have to find it tomorrow, of course my second fear is electricity due to electric fences. :)

I think my husband tried the jaw ones once but he couldn't catch anything with them, but I could be wrong. Mouse Traps are usually his department.

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