Setting some eggs 5-13-15. Looking for some folks to hatch a long with me.

Ok! So, DAY 4!!!! Every one of my eggs, duck and chicken alike has clear pronounced veining! My incu-eggspert friend just swung by and left me her super bright candler and checked for viability and we have it! I'm so excited! Even my Turken egg has veining!

Oh you are killing me!!!! I told myself I would not candle until day 7 - and I'm on day 4 too!

Dying to see if any are developing.............................
Today is the day I add my chicken eggs in with the turkeys that have been going. I wound up with 21 to set so I'm pretty excited with that. These will be the first eggs I've hatched from my flock. I'm making my brooder a big huge one and have it planned out so that I can take it apart and store it when I'm not hatching anything. I'm cautiously optimistic about my turkey eggs. I had to turn my thermostat down over the weekend which in my experience always shows the embryos are forming and starting to make their own heat. I don't care too much for hatching shipped eggs, but I unpacked these, let them rest till the next night, and didn't turn them for 3 days. Now when I turn them I do so very gently and keep the fat end up in case the cells did detach. I hate to try to start a flock from 8 (7 after shipping ) eggs, but as long as I get one Tom and one hen to adulthood I can do it. This is going to be my first stab and continuing a line of chickens and turkeys too. I guess if these work I'll eventually have all my land covered with coops, like a poultry shanty town. LOL
Glad to hear of the others success so far, and I'm looking forward to even more chatter as the days go on.
Mind if I join? I just set eggs today and am glad I read the article here about shipped eggs! New experience for me and it freaked me out when I did the initial candling and the air cell was a bit sloshy. I use a brinsea mini advance and took the turner out, cut down a cardboard egg carton and have them all standing upright in there. crossing fingers!

Hatching 4 Dominique and 4 Cream Brabanters.

Hi everyone, I too couldn't wait till day 7 I did a quick candle on day 3 and we have action in some of them. I will do a proper candling on day 7 and know for sure how many I have. Could someone tell me why they don,t turn their eggs for the first 3 days as I thought you turned from the start, I,m using an homemade incubator and turning myself 5 times a day.
Hi everyone, I too couldn't wait till day 7 I did a quick candle on day 3 and we have action in some of them. I will do a proper candling on day 7 and know for sure how many I have. Could someone tell me why they don,t turn their eggs for the first 3 days as I thought you turned from the start, I,m using an homemade incubator and turning myself 5 times a day.
My understanding, that pertains to shipped eggs. It allows the air cells to reattach and gives a better hatching rate. I really hope these eggs I got yesterday produce something!
My eggs were from a local lady, so they were collected. I have had bad results from shipped eggs I bought on eBay, the postie thought they was his new football
so they had no chance really. But saying that I have had hatches from shipped eggs but less than 50% and I have had zero hatch from collected eggs so it,s all down to the gods at the end of the day,
Mind if I join? I just set eggs today and am glad I read the article here about shipped eggs! New experience for me and it freaked me out when I did the initial candling and the air cell was a bit sloshy. I use a brinsea mini advance and took the turner out, cut down a cardboard egg carton and have them all standing upright in there. crossing fingers!

Hatching 4 Dominique and 4 Cream Brabanters.

Hi! I'm waiting for my shipped eggs to arrive at the post office as we speak! I guess I joined this hatch-a-long a bit early! ;) But I'm using the same incubator and plan on doing just as you said. I actually have the mini eco, but I'm glad now that I got the eco instead of the advanced because I've only worked with shipped eggs, and I probably wouldn't use the automatic turner much. Wishing you a great hatch!
Eggciting news!! I candled my eggs earlier, I just couldn't hold on any longer, and 4 out of the 5 eggs had obvious growth inside! I'm not sure about the other one but I'm pretty sure its because it had been waiting to go in for that little bit too long. Only on day six as well I'm well happy!!! When do you guys think I should candle again? I don't want to over do it. :)
Congrats on your future chicks It,s recommended to candle at day 7, 10 and 14 . I can,t wait for day 7 I,m at day 4 today and it,s killing me. Fingers crossed for everyone

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