Setting some eggs 5-13-15. Looking for some folks to hatch a long with me.

With my hatches it always seems like the first one takes a loooonnnnggg time to get out of the egg, but after that It starts making noise and the others start going like popcorn.
I love lockdown and watching the eggs pip and zip. Usually by the next day after lockdown I have every speckle, blemish, and piece of dirt memorized on every egg.
Mine go to lockdown Friday night. I have 14 eggs from my chickens that look perfect, one turkey egg I feel really strong about, and two turkey eggs that are iffy.
I realized I forgot to put my bowl I put water under the wire floor. Here in Tennessee it's humid enough that dry incubation works best for me. I usually raise it to 50% or so and once they start hatching I end up having to vent to keep it from getting too high. I also put anti fog on my glass so I don't miss any of the action.
Not sure what I am going to do about leaving the water bowl out. I'm thinking I'll use a heating pad to set the eggs on while I remove the guards and wire floor to put the bowl in there right at lockdown.
I'm loving hearing about everybody elses hatch winding down. I'm glad I'm busy at work right now, makes it much easier for me to not hover over the glowing box. LOL
Good luck everybody. Can't wait to see some pics real soon.
Question. Does anyone know what would happen if a RIR bred with a barred rock? One of my eggs didnt make it so i autopsied and it was a little black, fully formed chick except his head was as big as his body....
Hi everyone, I have a pip
Its only day 19 but we have lift off . Hope everyone is ok with their hatches. Now the waiting really starts

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