Setting some eggs 5-13-15. Looking for some folks to hatch a long with me.

Has anyone noted if bantam or smaller eggs take longer to zip from pipping? There's been a crack in one egg for at least 9 hours, not a whole lot of external progress but I heard it peeping so that's encouraging.

The large fowl eggs seemed to crack much faster. But I do notice smaller eggs, for me anyway, are nice thick eggs. I wondered if they take longer to chisel...
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Ok well, i just got back home and my tiny Turken is still alive! When i left this morning he had hatched but hadnt absorbed his yolk. There was a pretty good sized blob. Well it looks like it ruptured and then bled everywhere. I popped him out really fast and hes pretty derned lively! He has about a penny sized scab but he acts well and is peeping up a storm! No one else is pipping yet though....
Swab the area with honey or an antibacterial and keep him as clean and dry as possible.
Two more barnevelders have pipped! The original still isn't doing much visibly but I think they need a crowbar to get out of those thick bantam shells.
Bad news. All the other eggs DIS. Two were upside down and the 3 others were super sticky. I found that there was a second turken and he was upside down but his head was swollen. Like jiggly to the touch swollen. Any ideas???:hit

Here is my single fluff butt
Ok well, i just got back home and my tiny Turken is still alive! When i left this morning he had hatched but hadnt absorbed his yolk. There was a pretty good sized blob. Well it looks like it ruptured and then bled everywhere. I popped him out really fast and hes pretty derned lively! He has about a penny sized scab but he acts well and is peeping up a storm! No one else is pipping yet though....

From all I have read (I have only ever had 1 hatch), when a chick has an unabsorbed yolk, you want to keep him in the bator with high humidity, IOWs, do nothing...a drop in humidity (by opening the bator to take a pic) could make that yolk unavailable to him. One reason it might have ruptured is a loss of humidity and the abrasiveness of the wire mesh floor, which coulda happened by taking the cover off. Remember why they call it "lockdown", and why I said earlier they would be fine to day 23-24?

Kzane23, you broke the lockdown rule, a perfectly natural first hatch thing to do, but it affects what happened, and so what you learned. What you forgot, is what a brooding chicken does. She can't do any of the things you could think of, and everything you can think of that she can't do, you should not do. So, you have to toss almost all you learned from this hatch and remember one nothing till day 23.
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