Setting some eggs 5-13-15. Looking for some folks to hatch a long with me.

Ask and you shall receive ;) Not all were in the photo op!

Hedemora and double silver-laced Barnevelder bantams (the striped ones)

They are so cute! Congratulations on a great hatch!

Catching up on this thread and totally fascinated with the banter on humidity levels, weighing eggs, meddling vs. benign neglect.

This is only my second hatching using the brinsea mini eco advance. It went so well the first time, I am barely thinking about it now. As for meddling? First hatch last year, I had one chick that got "stuck" and I ended helping that chick out of the shell. HE was beautiful, but he had bent wing which is probably why he couldn't finish his zip. He grew big and beautiful but did not survive the winter. pneumonia I think, I nursed him for weeks but ended up putting him down. Moral of the story? He was weak to begin with and I now believe that nature will take it's course. I will not do any helping this time around.

That said, I just removed the turner, topped off the resevoir and put the 'bator into lock down. I have 6 of the original 8 in there, one I am 90% certain is a quitter, one I am 50% sure is also a goner. Now I am on Pip watch and I will NOT interfere this time. :D

Hope you have a great hatch as well - let us know how it goes! I assisted one of the Ameraucana and am wondering if I shouldn't have, although it was the only surviving egg from a pricey half-dozen.. It was huge, and now seems to have trouble walking forward and only walks backwards with it's head up. (Star-gazing?) I'm making him take sips of sav-a-chick in case it is a vitamin deficiency. Once I can hatch my own eggs - NO MORE HELPING!

I had one more Wheaten Ameraucana hatch this morning. Looks lonely in the incubator all by itself. My total is 2 Orloff and 3 Ameraucana. Not what I was hoping for since I started with 20 Orloff and 9 Ameraucana eggs. But I knew shipped eggs were a gamble, and did the best I could on my end. (USPS is not kind to boxes, no matter how they are marked.)
Catching up on this thread and totally fascinated with the banter on humidity levels, weighing eggs, meddling vs. benign neglect.    

This is only my second hatching using the brinsea mini eco advance.  It went so well the first time, I am barely thinking about it now.  As for meddling?  First hatch last year, I had one chick that got "stuck" and I ended helping that chick out of the shell.  HE was beautiful, but he had bent wing which is probably why he couldn't finish his zip.  He grew big and beautiful but did not survive the winter.  pneumonia I think, I nursed him for weeks but ended up putting him down.    Moral of the story?   He was weak to begin with and I now believe that nature will take it's course.  I will not do any helping this time around.

That said,  I just removed the turner, topped off the resevoir and put the 'bator into lock down.  I have 6 of the original 8 in there, one I am 90% certain is a quitter, one I am 50% sure is also a goner.    Now I am on Pip watch and I will NOT interfere this time. :D
It seems that a lot of Brinsea users, myself included, are hands-off hatchers. I think it's because that healthy chicks just hatch in a Brinsea, so you just let nature take its course on the others
Ha Ha! Here I am on my lockdown day, worried about getting everything ready for the new fuzzies about to show, go out to collect my eggs for the day and one of my hens is broody! Looks like chicken math is hard at work here. I guess instead of making one more coop and pen I'm gonna have to make two. As much as I love my incubator, you just can't beat mother nature.
I'm loving seeing everyone's progress and hatching, hopefully I'll have some pics to post Sunday or so. I'm not feeling too good about the turkeys, which is why I even chose to run my bator this year, but I definitely know I've got some chickens on the way.
Well. My single chick died while I was at work today. Looks like he curled up, fell asleep and died. Now i just have to see if my duck egg hatches... :/
So sorry to here that,
I have a single chick from my hatch I was concerned at first But it seems to be doing ok
I have seen it eating and drinking and it pooping ok Its just a shame its on its own I am trying to find someone with chicks so I can buy some friends for it
So sorry to here that,
I have a single chick from my hatch I was concerned at first But it seems to be doing ok
I have seen it eating and drinking and it pooping ok Its just a shame its on its own I am trying to find someone with chicks so I can buy some friends for it

Give your chick a mirror, it helps them some when they are alone.

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