Setting some eggs 5-13-15. Looking for some folks to hatch a long with me.

I had one of those days know the type, where you are checking the bator every 15 minutes and nothing happens...8 hours since my last hatch; why did I get so many on day 20 and so far "none" on day 21....
I candled a couple of the remaining eggs and they looked fine, and then I asked myself why I was being so anxious....just chillax and give them time. So I jumped into the now empty brooder and cleaned it out. Wow, talk about an ugly job!...but at least its done. I've collected 34 or the 41 eggs I need for my next set in 2 days, and am going to look for a hatch-long-thread starting around then.
:fl for your turkey eggs.  I had six and were 3 super late quitters but 3 hatched and look good.  I still have my one shipped peafowl egg and about 22 duck eggs that are on day 25...  Oh how I want that peafowl to hatch!!  I did get 4 more eggs last week and looks like 3 are fertile and developing!

I was given 6 peafowl eggs a few nights ago! I'm wondering what do you keep your humidity at for them?? I keep reading mixed answers! And on what day could you see veining? Thanks!
Cool! I incubate mine like chicken eggs, mine are around 30 % humidity. I candled mine on day 5 and could see development. I am trying to remember to turn mine 2 or 3 times a day. I have gotten a bit lazy about it : )
Cool!  I incubate mine like chicken eggs, mine are around 30 % humidity.  I candled mine on day 5 and could see development.  I am trying to remember to turn mine 2 or 3 times a day.  I have gotten a bit lazy about it : )

Ok, thanks! I'm just going to run dry then. Because my humidity is running 40% with no water in the incubator. I keep reading people swearing by 60% for the peas but others on the dry end. I turn 3xday. I'm only on day 3. Half the eggs are light and the other half are dark with speckles. Hopefully I'll see some bringing soon.
Day 22 update: No hatches, still 12 unhatched. If it stays like this I will have a 53% hatch rate. Very disappointed, I thought I'd done everything right this time. Waiting till tomorrow at 3:00pm to call it quits on the rest. There's no sense in the data on the ones who have not hatched. Some are at 18% weight loss, others are at 8%, but then there are the few who are at 13%, or 16%, and still haven't hatched and, convinced me they were viable. I honestly feel the problem is me not being able to candle through my brown egg shells.

Had one chick die in the bator overnight...sigh.
It isn't as nice as being able to see into the shells, but water candling will let you know if chicks are still alive in the shells.
Day 23 Update: DISASTER. Woke up and found 10 dead chicks in the bator. 2 more died shortly after I transferred them to the brooder. None of the eggs have pips. One I inspected popped when I cracked the shell (so it had died some time ago), another looked perfectly fine but no heartbeat. Very frustrating as it would seem I must have made a number of no simple answer to learn from this effort. I'm left with 9/41, a worse hatch than my 1st attempt. In case you think I left them in the bator too long, the longest any chick was in there was ~72 hours, temperature did not fluctuate, and humidity was 53% today (down but still reasonable). I have had 2 days of thunderstorms overnight, but none died during the storm on Saturday night, so why just last night?

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