Setting up today 26 May 2012.... Anyone setting can join

I also set 24 eggs on the 26th!  In the past I suck at hatching my own eggs, but I just bought a egg turner for my little gaint incubator and I hope it makes a differance cause in the past 2 times I tried to hatch my own chicks it was a fail  without the turner.  Hope that the turnr helps alot
I had similar problems with my old lgs at first. After a few bad hatches I got it figured out. I had to watch the humidity more closely. I also had to clean and sterilize the bator more thoroughly. It was frustrating at first but then I got it figured out and it became quite easy.

These are among the first setting in my new sportsman 1502 I also have 100 eggs from my own chickens due next, about 40 barred rocks, 12 guineas, and 6 mf duccles.
Good Morning, I set 12 porcelain silkies yesterday. This is my second batch. Keeping temp. around 98-99, humidity about 60. Can't seem to get the humidity to stay down around 45 to 50. Had a 75% success rate with my last batch.
I like to see mine between 99 and 102, its a water heater thermostat but keeps pretty consistent in that range. I don't worry much about the humidity unless it drops under 25 then I add a few drops of water. I added three ventilation holes yesterday (small ones) so hopefully I don't have to watch humidity so closely now.
Hello, I would like to join in, I just set 8 eggs in an LG I picked up last week set it up to stabalize temps and humidity. Currently temp is at 99.5 to 100.1 and the humidity started out at 73% and is wanting to stay around that, hoping it will start to go down as time goes on. This is my first time setting eggs and not quite sure what the eggs are other than I have 3 possibles of who is laying them, Black Silkie , Black australorp , and a Black polish gold laced. The eggs are a large light to almost tan color " I think is the australorp"... The other eggs are all smaller than store bought eggs, but are solid white. Thinking they are the polish. I heard the eggs from the silkies are a creamy color. I dont seem to have any of those, But she is still kinda yound almost 9 months so she will probably start laying soon, but most of the time she lays in my lap and wants to be petted.

I have a peice of paper and check the temp and humidity often and write down the info and check to see if things look normal in the bator. So far so good. I havent opened the bator since I set the eggs last night at about 6pm. temp got up to 103 once, and backed it off a touch and its been really good about staying between the 99.5 to 100.1 Just worried about the humidity being so high right now. Will take pics and post them up as soon as I can.

Here are the eggs I collected, I had two more yesterday afternoon that I added to these

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what breed is the 2nd chicken ? i have one about 10 weeks old and it looks similar to this one but it is black and white and it has a single comb....and is still young but i can't figure out what it is lol

and this one has 5 toe's and feather's just on the side's of its legs lol
Can I join??? I just set 10 Buff Orpington eggs in a little giant still air incubator. I haven't attempted this in many years so let's keep our fingers crossed!
k i have 3 thermometers going, one is an oven therm, it says it's 97 in the incubater, one is an indoor outdoor and it says it's 98.3 and one is the little flat therm that lays on the turner...came with the bator, it says 100-101. I'm kinda panicking here I guess, lol. The man who loaned me this incubator says he has a very high hatch rate using it. Should I worry?
k i have 3 thermometers going, one is an oven therm, it says it's 97 in the incubater, one is an indoor outdoor and it says it's 98.3 and one is the little flat therm that lays on the turner...came with the bator, it says 100-101.  I'm kinda panicking here I guess, lol.  The man who loaned me this incubator says he has a very high hatch rate using it. Should I worry?
The thermometers that come with the bator are junk. I would say you could bump the temp up at least on degree. Oven thermometers aren't very accurate either. What kind is the indoor outdoor? Is it a digital or mercury? Try to check them against a thermometer you KNOW is right if you have one, even if it has to be at room temp. Do you have a meat thermometer, even the cheap ones are usually accurate to within one degree when calibrated correctly. If you dont have one they are pretty cheap, less than $10

Good luck and happy hatching!

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