Setting up today 26 May 2012.... Anyone setting can join

Looking good. Great pictures. Mine are doing so much better, I'm down to just one that is iffy, but only time will tell. I would like to see it eat more than it is, but it is drinking water on its own now.
I still have a big fat nothing. LOL. These eggs are killing me...I am hoping for middle of the night hatches now. :)

I am with you and also have had Zero hatch. Not sure what might have gone wrong but I guess these things happen. I and going to keep the incubator running until the end of 28 days. good luck with your eggs...
Ok so it is day 21 today and I have a slight dilemma!

I put my incubator into lock down on Thursday night after work. I came home from work on Friday evening to one little chick in the incubator! (much to my surprise)
Over night a second one hatched also.

I do not want to disturb the other eggs in there as they arent even supposed to start hatching until tonight BUT it has now been almost 48 hours and I feel that I need to get those two little chicks out of the incubator, this is only my second hatch ever but my failure rate on my last hatch was high and I dont want to risk losing the only two potential chicks out of this hatch because they stayed in the incubator too long waiting for the other eggs but at the same time I dont want to risk the other 12 eggs potentially hatching either!

What would you do?!
Ok so it is day 21 today and I have a slight dilemma!

I put my incubator into lock down on Thursday night after work. I came home from work on Friday evening to one little chick in the incubator! (much to my surprise)
Over night a second one hatched also.

I do not want to disturb the other eggs in there as they arent even supposed to start hatching until tonight BUT it has now been almost 48 hours and I feel that I need to get those two little chicks out of the incubator, this is only my second hatch ever but my failure rate on my last hatch was high and I dont want to risk losing the only two potential chicks out of this hatch because they stayed in the incubator too long waiting for the other eggs but at the same time I dont want to risk the other 12 eggs potentially hatching either!

What would you do?!

Do you have other eggs with pips? If not I would just go ahead and get them out. My incubator directions say that during lockdown that if you open it you should wait at least 6 more hours before opening it again. During my last hatch I had 17 eggs in there and they all hatched out over three days. I just watched the clock and only re-opened it again after the 6 hours to take more fluffies out. Bit of you see active zipping, I wouldn't risk opening it because you could cause a shrink wrap situation.

In other news regarding my eggs...I finally have three pips! Eggs 2, 4 and 6 are pipped and starting to zip. Yippeeeeee

Now I just need 1, 3 and 5 to join in on the party.

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