settle a debate


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 6, 2013
second star to the right
We are building a third coop for our girls, we have 14 all together. 12 red sex, and two something else, supposedly something that lays blue eggs. The newest coop is 8'x 4' and 2' high. That's only big enough for a max of 8 chickens right? My dh feels that it's too big for the six we plan on putting in there, and that it should hold more than that.
Well, you are both correct. How's that for being a diplomat. Given unlimited free range ability, yes you could house more than 8 birds in that coop. Given a small pen or constriction to that coop alone, 8 birds might be too many. Many variables must be factored into the amount of housing/space required by birds.
In general, I recommend 4 sq. ft. per in the coop so 8 is right but people do cram more into smaller space. It also depends on the breeds, if you have bantams. If they absolutely will be only in there to roost and come out from dawn to dusk every day you could have a few more.

It's a personal choice but there are facts that can't be ignored. The higher the stocking density, the more often one needs to clean. Crowding causes stress, filthy conditions and limits movement of fresh air all of which contribute to disease, not to mention picking and cannibalism.

At 2' high you don't plan on having roosts? And how are you handling ventilation in such a short building?
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Wow cool to know. They have a large run for the big two now the like one are only 3 weeks and 4 1/2 weeks now. We intend to let them free range, but the chickens are to chicken to go out of the run, although Houdini enjoys an occasional voyage to the doorway
We were able to build a today into the smaller coop we built, the older girls seem quite comfortable there. We vented through windows and an angled roof on the little coop, we have windows in the larger coop, I'm not sure what roof is going into that one, dh was thinking a peaked one with an overhang for ventilation. Let me take picture, of we're doing something wrong I'd together know now.



The first two are the little coop for our two big girls, the second two are the unfinished big coop, I asked dh, and he's building a peaked roof two feet tall with Windows in the side of the roof for added ventilation.
a short coop with low roosts will encourage them to sleep in the nests requiring daily cleaning. They want to roost in the highest place possible.

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