Seven week old going down hill.

Photos not good. Bad lighting, pine shaving, on my knees in a dog kennel. Good luck.


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Sounds like 'boots on the ground' happened recently for these young birds, introducing them to coccidia as they foraged. Is their feed medicated? Have you put CORID® (amprolium) in all of their water sources? Chick Booster® is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, comes in a small visine-type-bottle so you can put a single drop into their mouth.

CORID® (amprolium) Saved my chicken. Inexpensive and won’t harm her if she doesn’t need it. I had to administer the medicated water with an eye dropper into her beak for the first 48 hours, because she won’t drink on her own.
Well she is better today. Her poop is well formed no squirts. Crop empty no smell. I took her outside to free range while i watered and feed the coop girls. They are little chickens and acting well. While little sweet pea is not back to her self she was free ranging activity so back in the coop she went. None of the other birds paid her any mind so I'll check on then in a few. I'll get to TSC or the feed store after i check. Corid, electrolytes, multi vitamin. If I'm not seeing squirts and loose poop I'm going to put some electrolytes, multi vitamins in the water for today and keep an eye on them. It has been hot and humid all week. Index around 100
I just read up and looked at pictures of chicken poop. I clean the poop board and coop yesterday. I'm going to inspect my girls and their poop close now. If nothing stands out I'm going with what i posted.

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