What turkeys can find and eat while free ranging is far better than anything we can give them. Free ranging provides them with a variety of vegetation, insects, seeds and meat as in mice and other small critters. Get a good all flock feed for her as it will contain higher levels of lysine, methioniine and niacin than any chick grower would have.
I understand what you are saying.
That's not ALL I have been giving her. She gets the black oil sunflower seeds,regular shelled sunflower and pumpkin seeds raw, flax seed both fresh and dried meal worms, crickets and grit and hand full of bird seed for extra vitamins and a treat.
She gets fresh grapes and tomatoes too.
The vitamins I give her are like the visol children get but formulated for birds.
If If have vegetable leftovers she gets a shot at some of that if she wants it too.
I may be winging it but I am not stupid and I dont just do whatever. I study and cross check info. This bird would have died that day if I didnt get out out of the yard. Id would have given another half hour at the most and the others would have finished her off.
Basically any extra days at life she has is a gift. She should have doed in my care from infection alone, but she has survives nearly 3 weeks. Her flesh on her back has grown back nicely.
She went from weak and not eating at all and being nothing but feathers skin and bones
to a having a very healthy appetite, an attitude, preening herself again talking a bit and being alert.
So I think Im doing something right.
Like I said earlier, both my chicken and the turkey are out of food and I AM picking up what I need fir them tonight.
My husband is a disabled veteran, we live on his va right now,so I dont have all kinds of funds at the moment. I dont have $17 to spend on a huge bag ofgame bird food for 1 turkey who isnt mine and shouldn't even be alive right now.

I do appreciate the advice.
Perhaps maybe just include a little bit of compassion rather than a blind kick when giving advice in the future.
I have to ask, LOL!! You have a chicken, too? I thought you weren't allowed to have birds at the place you rent? Did you already explain this to me? I'm so confused right now, my apologies.
I have to ask, LOL!! You have a chicken, too? I thought you weren't allowed to have birds at the place you rent? Did you already explain this to me? I'm so confused right now, my apologies.
Yes thats the issue. In August one of the last batches of hatchlings on the ranch (my house is on their ranch) this summer had 2 chicks that didnt make it all the way out of their shells and 1 chick that made it out and to the ground but then was too small and weak. She couldnt walk and would collapse when she tried to stand. I picked her pick and offered her to the broody hen. The hen ignored me. She turned around and continued to teach all the other chicks how to scratch for food.
I tried it again and she gathered her others and walked away.
So,I brought the tiny hatching in to the house. Again not expecting her to live. My profile pic is her as I just brought her in. Barely as big as my thumb.
I sent the landlord/rancher a text and told her what was goinf on with the chick and hen. She asked if I brought it in and I said yes and asked if that was the right thing to do.
She said I did good so I wasnt too worried.
Long story I can tell you sometime if you are interested,lol.
In any case they know I have her and of my efforts to integrate back in to the flock.
She is now al.oat 3 months old. Beautiful smart,healthy and sassy. More of a pet than livestock. I can have horses accordibg to the kease but not birds,rodents or reptiles. Which was always fine with me bc I have dogs and cats.
But in anycase I sort of pushed the envelope when I decided I was founf to keep the chicken as my own and not return her to the flock.
Rancher laughs at me and thinks Im crazy bc I dote on this chicken. She gets the best of everything that I am able to give her.
Shes my baby lol.
Sorry for all the pics. I just live her shes so funny so I take lots of pics


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I understand what you are saying.
That's not ALL I have been giving her. She gets the black oil sunflower seeds,regular shelled sunflower and pumpkin seeds raw, flax seed both fresh and dried meal worms, crickets and grit and hand full of bird seed for extra vitamins and a treat.
She gets fresh grapes and tomatoes too.
The vitamins I give her are like the visol children get but formulated for birds.
If If have vegetable leftovers she gets a shot at some of that if she wants it too.
I may be winging it but I am not stupid and I dont just do whatever. I study and cross check info. This bird would have died that day if I didnt get out out of the yard. Id would have given another half hour at the most and the others would have finished her off.
Basically any extra days at life she has is a gift. She should have doed in my care from infection alone, but she has survives nearly 3 weeks. Her flesh on her back has grown back nicely.
She went from weak and not eating at all and being nothing but feathers skin and bones
to a having a very healthy appetite, an attitude, preening herself again talking a bit and being alert.
So I think Im doing something right.
Like I said earlier, both my chicken and the turkey are out of food and I AM picking up what I need fir them tonight.
My husband is a disabled veteran, we live on his va right now,so I dont have all kinds of funds at the moment. I dont have $17 to spend on a huge bag ofgame bird food for 1 turkey who isnt mine and shouldn't even be alive right now.

I do appreciate the advice.
Perhaps maybe just include a little bit of compassion rather than a blind kick when giving advice in the future.
I think that an all flock or Purina flock raiser would do both of them okay. Not perfectly ideal, but most of both their nutritional needs are met with one type of feed this way
Should find out in about 2 months or so.
Her broody hen ead a Salmon Faverolles I think. Not sure what papa is but could be Maran,Wyandotte RIRed. There are a few easter eggers here. Have seen blue green pink brown etc eggs on the ranch :)

August has grey legs thay are feathered.
Thank you I think she is beautiful too. And such a smart girl with some serious character.
She loves blankets. She likes to pull my blanket off my desk chair and then nestle in it
I think that an all flock or Purina flock raiser would do both of them okay. Not perfectly ideal, but most of both their nutritional needs are met with one type of feed this way
Thats what I was thinking so I picked this up on the way home


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Perfect!! Well, close to it anyway. Your hen is a little bit big for chick feed, but I imagine a bag of chick feed lasted a LONG time with just 1 chicken lol. If she isn't laying yet you won't need to supplement calcium for her.
These are the vitamins I ha e been adding to the Turkey's water.
Iv added millet,wheat germ, chia and flax in small pinches to their food also along with the other things I give then. I scramble eggs for them too.


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Perfect!! Well, close to it anyway. Your hen is a little bit big for chick feed, but I imagine a bag of chick feed lasted a LONG time with just 1 chicken lol. If she isn't laying yet you won't need to supplement calcium for her.
Yes exactly thats what I was saying earlier. She finally ran out of food. It took a while since I added suppliments and treats as well as fresh fruits and veggies.
She was in her second food type. She went from starter to grower and this will be her forst bag if flock raiser. But I thought since I am feeding tbe turkey this feed would be good instead of whatever step was next for a two and a 1/2 month old pullet :)
She hatched on August 23 (the chicken, the turkey was already around when August hatched) I think the turkey might be closer to 4 months.

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