Sevin Dust, and Chickens


7 Years
Sep 12, 2012
I just got back from wal-mart where I picked up some 5% sevin dust, some 40% deet repellent, and some 1% hydrocortisone cream.

I'm being eaten ALIVE after going outside. And the most annoying part of it, is the ticks. I actually rarely see mosquitoes these days, despite all of the standing water in various containers around the yard. But I got the deet repellent for myself to stop the flying insects anyway as well as ticks, fleas, chiggers, etc. I got the hydrocortisone cream to stop the itching from everything that DOES bite me. Now the sevin dust...

I heard that this is safe to use around chickens for bugs like those mentioned above. But what I'm wondering is if it's safe to use ON chickens. Can I dust them down with it to keep these creatures off of them? Or can I put out a kiddie pool with a couple bags of sand and a small container of sevin dust mixed in (so they could do their own dust bath and apply the sevin dust themselves)?

Or is this something that I should JUST use on the ground in the chicken pen?

I definitely have to do something, since the cats and dogs are ALSO getting horrible ticks this year. But I can give the cats and dogs a flea BATH, flea dip, or put the flea and tick repellent drops on their backs. I'm just hoping for something else that I can actually put ON the chickens besides diatomaceous earth, since my wal-mart doesn't carry it.
I think I have seen DE at some Home Depots, if you have one nearby.

I have read about putting Sevin dust in a bag then putting the bag up to the chicken's neck to spread it around and dust the feathers. I think that breathing in the Sevin or getting in the eyes is not a good idea.
People have been using Sevin on chickens for years; it is the standard recommended treatment for lice/mites. Make a dusting "puff" out of an old stocking and pat it on, or put them in a paper bag as suggested above. I don't think it will do much as a repellant, though. Hopefully they will start eating the ticks.
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i use 7 dust all over my pen, nest boxes and even put it on the chickens. 5% won't even hurt the babies. I put this around the coop where the babies are to keep the ants out. Have never had a problem with it hurting the birds.
PERFECT! I'm about to give them all a good dusting then! I can't wait to kill the ticks off in their pen, much less ON them! That's the only spot in the yard I haven't really covered yet, because I wasn't too sure!
Just remember Sevin kills most insects, including pollinating bees and other beneficial insects.
Use with prudence.
I have some new babies that came from a hatchery - and I think I might have an issue with mites/lice. To be determined after a closer look tonight.
BUT I was wondering how young/old the chicks have to be before application of Sevin/Carbaryl dust. Mine are 2 1/2 weeks old


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