Sex Link Chick Question


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 1, 2010
I Have a barred rock roo. He is crossed with game hens and RIR hens. Will the chicks be sexlinked by color and can you tell me what to look for. They are hatching out and the game crosses all came out black. the RIR are coming out black and yellow.
No. A barred rock hen and RIR rooster will give black sex links, not the other way around.

I don't know which "games" you are talking about, but I am not aware of any combination with a barred rock rooster that gives sex links.

I expect they will all wind up with barring, probably full body barring but there may be something working, like a Columbia gene, that will limit some barring to the tail and maybe neck.
thanks for the info. just came back to check for an answer and found a thread about sex links at the top of this section. was very informative but didn't answer my question. But you did.
It does not have to be a RIR rooster, any rooster as long as he is not Barred and not Dom. White will work with barred hens for producing sexlinks. But no, your barred Rock rooster will not procuce sexlinks, you will hatch chicks that are all barred, some may be as solid as Barred Rocks and some may be looking towards crele in color.

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