Sex-Link Meat Birds?


11 Years
Nov 30, 2008
Carlton, OR
I was wondering if any of the sex-link birds would make good meat birds. I live in an area where I cannot have any crowing because my neighbors would absolutely kill me. So if I knew from the beginning if they were male or female it would eliminate that issue.

If they aren't good meat birds how difficult is it to tell if they are a cockerel before they start crowing. Or do they start crowing before it's time to process them? Thanks Erin
If you go for "meat birds" like the standard cornish x or sort, boys won't be crowing by the time you butcher them at 8 weeks.

The sexlink boys though, they won't be the traditional "meaty" and by the 14-20 weeks it takes to be "worth the time", they most likely will be crowing.
Of all the 'laying breeds' I've had, the Black Sex Links actually are quite hefty little buggers. But, they still will not be ready prior to reaching sexual maturity. Like Silkie says, you can hardly tell the sexes apart when broilers are ready to process.
For the most part, people get broilers from online retail hatcheries. They all get their broilers chicks from the same large breeders, so you are probably getting the same birds regardless of which hatchery you use. So, try and find a hatchery close to you as time in transit for the birds is critical.

I have never used this hatchery, but it is in the Willamette:

We raise Colored Range Broilers rather than CornishX.
Thanks for the link. I sent them an email asking about their birds and being able to pick them up so I'll see how it goes.
If it helps, I get my Vantress meat birds from the feed store. They get them from a Hatchery here in Northern Michigan. I had 25 black sex links 2 years ago when I first started raising chicks, and got them because they are a dual purpose bird, but after getting the Vantress meat birds, I decided to raise the meat birds in the early spring and late fall. Usually 25 at a time. I have 12 - 7 month old RIR hens, and they are laying between 10 -12 eggs now. The meat birds get between 7 to 10 lbs. with the roosters being the heavier ones, and yes, by 8 weeks you can tell the males from the females, by their wattles and combs.
After I sent this hatchery an email they told me that I could pick some up at the end of the month. Do you think this is a good time to get meat birds and if so how many would you suggest for someone who has never done this before. It will be just me and my husband to process them. I don't want to pay for it and we don't have any friends that would be willing to help.

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