Sex of BR Chick and Olive Eggers

Well he definitely looks like a cockerel to me, he’s light in color and his baby pic has the right spot for him, also look at those feet! The rest of them look like pullets to me so you have a nice flock going!
Well he definitely looks like a cockerel to me, he’s light in color and his baby pic has the right spot for him, also look at those feet! The rest of them look like pullets to me so you have a nice flock going!
I agree, everything about him screams male! but he's really sweet! My concern is we just have him and the 4 girls. I don't want him to terrorize them when he reaches maturity but I also can't stand the thought of giving him away or letting my husband make him into dinner 😟 our goal in getting chickens was just for eggs, not to hatch chicks or anything yet.
I agree, everything about him screams male! but he's really sweet! My concern is we just have him and the 4 girls. I don't want him to terrorize them when he reaches maturity but I also can't stand the thought of giving him away or letting my husband make him into dinner 😟 our goal in getting chickens was just for eggs, not to hatch chicks or anything yet.
Well it could still work out, I have one BR roo, Dave, in my flock. He declares himself head roo every morning but when it comes to guarding the flock and breeding he’s a huge slacker(We love his laziness) he let’s out lovely EE roo do all the work while he just chills and sunbathes. Basic line is each rooster is different so you could end up with a lazy one, but if not protect your hens first. More avid roosters need at least 10 hens and if less will harm and overbreed the remaining hens. If he’s healthy, I’m sure someone wouldn’t mind a barred rock roo for the protection and breeding of a flock.
Another update if it helps someone down the line, my OE's are both roos 😭 I'm so so sad. The black one is the most affectionate to me and now we won't get any olive colored eggs at all. I now have 3, possibly 4 roos out of 10. UGH.
Here's Maui (names are stuck at this point) at 12 weeks old. Had I known about male and female pea combs I would've noticed sooner, but now his saddle feathers are growing in and tail is curving.

Here he was at 8 weeks.

Here's Olive, the other one I had question about, also a roo, at 12 weeks.


Here he is 8 weeks


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