Sexing 5 week old RiR and Brown Leghorn.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 24, 2014
Hey, I have some five week old birds, and I'm really curious what they are. The birds in question Rhode Island Reds and Brown Leghorns, but I can't even guess what gender. Any thoughts? There's a missing leghorn in the picture, but (s)he looks just like the two that are pictured here.

They all have very big combs for being that young. Are you sure that they are only 5 weeks?
They look a lot like my 8 week old chicks.
These are my pullets. I hope my Silkie is a pullet anyway!

This is a old pic of one of my RIR roosters. (the hatchery sent extra roos
now I have to find new homes for them) He was about 5-7 weeks in this pic......I think he was about 5.
They were born on the 23rd of May. Maybe I'm feeding them too much. ;)
Haha. Weird. I wonder why your chicks are so big! Are you sure they were born that day? I can't believe it!
My were born on the 29 of April.
Haha. Weird. I wonder why your chicks are so big! Are you sure they were born that day? I can't believe it!
My were born on the 29 of April.

We picked them up from a heritage breeding program at the University of Alberta, and they were supposed to have been hatched the day before we got them. They sure looked and acted a day old.

I will say, it's been amazing watching them grow. I swear every morning they're bigger.
Pretty much like that! I don't have a picture from the first day we had them, but they were ridiculous little balls of helpless fluff, with tiny nubs for wings. These were taken a couple days after we picked them up:


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