Sexing Barred Rocks

Thank you, By Chicken Lady and Fred's Hens
The picture REALLY helped me see the difference too!
Glad they are going to be ladies...eggs, eggs, eggs! Oh, and they are my sweetest chickens. Come right to me, already!
AND they like to snuggle....I didn't know that about chickens, lol.

Glad to join the Barred Rock "club". Happy chickening!
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So this is the one I'm concerned about. Roughly 5 weeks old now, its comb is pinker than the other (in the foreground):

Here is a slightly better pic:

And here. I'm not sure what the white one is, but guessing she is actually a rooster too (same age)?

Well that is good! I ordered pullets, but that white one is obviously not. And I started to worry when the barred rocks started pinking up too. I seem to have the worst luck ordering sexed pullets. One of my 4 EEs was a roo too.
I have barred rocks. I had two, one turned out to be a Rooster. He had a big comb yellow feet and a long tail, and he crowed. He was easy to tell. He was very aggressive and after attacking my 3 kids as well as us he had to go bye bye. My concern now is the one I have left. I think she's a hen but I don't know for sure and now I'm worried. "She" is about 4 1/2 months old.. Doesn't crow but made an attempt the other day (after rooster left, but I've been told sometimes hens do that??

), her feet are whiteish not yellow her comb is kinda big but not like his, and her tail is a tiny bit long but not like his.. Any ideas? I really don't want another rooster!! My female duck stares her "down" am hoping that is a female thing, not sure the female duck would do that to a rooster. This is an old photo, she is much bigger now. I will try to find a more recent one. The one in question is on the right. The one on the left was the Rooster. Here is a current one of "her"...After reading some ot the posts I'm pretty worried "she" is a Roo... I am holding out hope and await everyone's answers. :eek:(
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I have barred rocks. I had two, one turned out to be a Rooster. He had a big comb yellow feet and a long tail, and he crowed. He was easy to tell. He was very aggressive and after attacking my 3 kids as well as us he had to go bye bye. My concern now is the one I have left. I think she's a hen but I don't know for sure and now I'm worried. "She" is about 4 1/2 months old.. Doesn't crow but made an attempt the other day (after rooster left, but I've been told sometimes hens do that??

), her feet are whiteish not yellow her comb is kinda big but not like his, and her tail is a tiny bit long but not like his.. Any ideas? I really don't want another rooster!! My female duck stares her "down" am hoping that is a female thing, not sure the female duck would do that to a rooster. This is an old photo, she is much bigger now. I will try to find a more recent one. The one in question is on the right. The one on the left was the Rooster. Here is a current one of "her"...After reading some ot the posts I'm pretty worried "she" is a Roo... I am holding out hope and await everyone's answers. :eek:(
Guessing here, but this bird may have been a bit younger than the others.

That is a cockerel look. It is a mix so the legs aren't correct, as you noted and it also throws off the barring shade, which can cause folks some confusion as well, but that is indeed a cockerel. The saddle feathers are showing, for sure, as is the stance and the head/comb males-like. Younger cockerels often reserve their crowing, deferring to the older, dominant male. Once the superior male is removed, this one is trying out for the part of cock of the walk. Thus, he is practicing his crow, got a feeling.
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Thanks for the info, what are the chances he will be aggressive/mean too? Is it a breed known for that, etc..? What luck, first 2 chicks ever and both roosters! Bummer.

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