Sexing chicks???


8 Years
Apr 16, 2011
If all goes well and I hatch my eggs, is there a good method of sexing chicks? Any info will be greatly appreciated. Thank you
There's a big mixture. Rir,barred rocks, EE, speckled Sussex. And a bunch of mutts.
I've heard of a couple methods which don't involve looking at their butt. First one is the size of the wing feathers when they are a day or 2 old. If the feathers are all even length its a rooster, if they are 2 different lengths its a hen. Another is you pick up the chick with the legs dangling. If it lets its legs hang down, a hen. If it pulls its legs up and kicks, a rooster. Not sure how accurate these methods are but some people swear by it. Hope I helped!
It really really hard to sex chick, i too have heard that the leg dangling is quite reliable because thats how pet stores can tell the sex, but who know completley untill they are older, i have also heard if you look at the wing feathers, if they are pointed they are roo's
Good Luck to you!

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