Sexing Columbian Wyandotte chicks?

I have the same delimia. Mine is about 3 months old. It is a mixed, most likely. They said it was a Welsummer. I put it's pick on this forum and found it problably was a Wyandotte. Which makes since. I can't wait to find out male or female. The body has a hen tail and body and the rose comb and small waddle is red. Confusing! People told me roo. I hope not!
Mine definitely is a roo. He crows now :). I have heard a lot of people have the same problem with the columbians. That is why we bought pullets. Next time I may just buy straight run because a couple of our pullets have turned out to be roosters.
Since they have a rose comb you can't tell until they get wattles, like at 12 to 15 weeks. Sorry, I thought I would never be able to tell on mine.
Outrun Acres,

May I ask how old he was when he started crowing? I swear, everyone's posts on here could be written by myself, we all sound the same. I bought two female columbian wyandottes from Meyer, they are 7 weeks old, and one of them has acted like a rooster since day 1. His comb for the last 3 weeks has been bright red, and he is starting to get little waddles, his breed partner has nothing,, and her comb is pale in comparison. I am a bit sad, as I didn't want a rooster. I will inch along and see how it goes. I also have a neighbor that I know will give me trouble with the crowing! Are they supposed to be nice roosters? I know some of the breeds can get a bit aggressive. Anybody know?

THanks guys,
The two in the picture are both pullets at 8 weeks

. It's a windy day. The rooster is 18 months old. He has a full comb and wattles. The hens are two years old

The little cockerels will have a spur button on the back of their legs that is visible at 4 can feel it before that. If there are dominant roos in the pen, the little cockerels will be slow to crowing. The legs and feet of the cockerels will be much thicker than the little pullets.
The cockerels will stand tall and bump your hand...of course a confident pullet will do the same.
I notice cockerel pointed feathers about 16 - 18 weeks on their hackles and neck.

My rooster is wonderful. He will sit in the nests to give the broodie girls a break, calls them for treats, warns of danger and will run off anything he thinks is threatening his territory. But when you pick him up, he is comfortable in your arms and doesn't squabble. I treat mine like chickens, not pets, but handle them frequently to check for health.

In this picture, there is a mature hen on the right and a pullet right behind her. You can see the difference in the color ansd size of the comb and wattles. The pullets in the picture are 5.5 months old.
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You're the best! Thanks for all the information, learn more every time someone who knows so much posts information. Did you look at my pictures, what do you think I have? Your hens and pullets have some beefy combs and waddles too. I have decided which ever he is, I will just enjoy the advantages of which either gender "Daisy" is. Your rooster is gorgeous! I certainly won't mind staring at that all day!

Thanks again!
I started a thread titled "Newbie Question Regarding Columbian Wyandotte behaviour/gender". I don't know how to copy and paste another thread in a post, so I will just get the pics to you again. I really appreciate your input.
Here is "Daisy", very bossy, always pecking at others to remind them she/he is boss. If I had to pick, I would want her to be a pullet, but as I said, if she is a roo, I will go day by day and see how it progresses. I have a bit of a potential problem with a neighbor pertaining to the crowing. She has all ready informed me when she saw I have chickens she will not tolerate them even one inch on her property, this will be fun. Considering putting wire attached to the back of my horse fencing on her side, won't be cheap, but may deter the girls from wandering over there. Any way, here goes with "Daisy" pictures. chicks are in their 7th week. Seem rather early for her to have this pronounced comb and waddles.

Now here is her breed partner who I am positive is a pullet.

What do you think NanaK?


One more thing. Member jbs started a similar thread titled "Help sexing 19 week old Columbian Wyandotte" . On there she posted great pictures of her three CW's and one of them looked exactly like mine. She also stated she got them from Meyer, and everyone who chimed in said that they thought her birds were pullets. One responder pointed out that hatcheries like Meyer that mass produce chicks for the puplic with egg cosumption in mind do not separate out healthy birds who might otherwise not be kept to breed that have less than perfect comb abnormalites and breed faults as say show chicken breeders would do. I PM'd jbs to ask if indeed the bird in question turned out to be a pullet as by now she certainly should know. THe picture of the bird in question in her thread def looks like a roo's CW head to me, but I am by no means an expert, or even experienced with chicken breeds or anything about them. I am only 7 weeks into the learning process here! I am so very grateful for people like you and the other members who take the time to read all these newbie inquiries! Maybe you can find her thread and also see what you think there. I noticed on jbs's profile she has not been to BYC since mid August, so I hope she checks in, reads my PM, and hopefully I hear back from her. Maybe Meyer has a big comb, bossy hen trait in their stock! lol... wishful thinking perhaps!

Have a great day, and thanks again!
Looks to me like daisy is a roo. You are correct on the other one being a pullet. In the first two pictures, the comb is thickening and the wattles are a dead give away. Also...I think I see a little button of a spur on the leg. In the third photo Daisy has hackle feathers with points across his back to the tail. A pullet's feathers will be rounded.

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