Sexing d'uccles


In the Brooder
Jun 26, 2016
So I have four mille fleurs that are a month old and wanted other peoples thoughts on what they're.

I've seen several posts now saying that d'uccle cockerels are pretty obvious at three weeks so...hoping that means my three week old babies are all girls? View attachment 1411375 View attachment 1411376 View attachment 1411377 View attachment 1411378 View attachment 1411379
That just means that cockerels can be obvious at that age. Most of them mature at the regular age though. I don't see any boys right now, but they really are too young. Post pics of combs at six weeks.
Back again! My babies are now six weeks old, and I think they might all be girls. There's a couple the colouring makes me think maybe boys but none have any significant comb development so still not sure. What do you think? Two pictures of each. WP_20180619_008.jpg WP_20180619_009.jpg WP_20180619_011.jpg WP_20180619_010.jpg WP_20180619_015.jpg WP_20180619_016.jpg WP_20180619_017.jpg WP_20180619_018.jpg WP_20180619_020.jpg WP_20180619_021.jpg

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