Sexing Easter Eggers

Straight run??? This means could be males and females mixed together and you get what you get when they mature???
Correct. The chicks are not sexed when they hatch, so its a mixed bag.

Funny story, when i went to buy chicks a couple months ago, the feedstore pointed at a bin (of what i now know are barred rocks) and said "These are straightrun", without telling me the breed. So i thought that was the name of a breed of chicken. When i went to another feedstore and they pointed at their bin of RIRs and said "These are straightrun", i was severely confused and just bought my chicks. Later i looked it up and realized that i am an idiot :D
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The combs are still small, flat, and yellow and there are no dark red shoulder patches either. They still look like pullets.
Wonderful. Girl names they'll get. We are thinking Nuggets for the darker one and maybe Cherokee for the other one. It's tail feathers kind of look like an Indian Headdress. And the kids like Nuggets. lol Thanx for all the input. It's fun trying to figure out what they are. Sometimes we think they are girls and then they do something rooish. They like to keep us guessing I reckon.
So some have told me my favorite chick may be a cockerel. Based on this info I'm feeling less worried. If I'm understanding it correctly. Hoping for a pullet. Thoughts?
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