Sexing Eggs Experiment

...........because none of these crazy test works , but sure is hard to prove when odd sometime more will be pullet in small test, so people believe....but hatcheries know better.
Checked out from a science site:

I recently purchased a pet bird and was told I could determine the sex using a magnetic pendulum. If it spins in a circle, the bird is a female. If back and forth, it's a male. Is there a natural mechanism to explain this apparent phenomenon?

Yes there is, but it has nothing to do with the bird's gender or magnetism. It's called the ideomotor effect. This is a well-documented psychological phenomenon that's been tested and retested extensively. It involves unconscious movements by the experimenter's own hand that causes a pendulum, dowsing rod, or Ouija Board planchette to move in the manner expected by the experimenter. These movements can be so minute that the experimenter is unaware they're even happening. Consequently, many dowsers have a fully honest belief that their perceived ability is indeed of supernatural origin.

Regarding your bird's gender and magnetic pendulums, there is demonstrably no such effect. This would require that birds generate a reasonably powerful electromagnetic field that oscillates or changes polarity according to a gender-dependent pattern.

If you have any doubts, place a compass on a solid surface near your bird or any other animal. A compass needle is a magnetic pendulum that weighs much less than your pendulum and should react much more dramatically. You'll see that once your hand's movements are taken out of the picture, your bird does not emit any sort of pulsing magnetic force, regardless of its gender.​
You're right, even if the OP accurately predicted 100% of the chicks' sexes, the small sample size wouldn't hold up to statistical scrutiny. Every other "nay-sayer" on the thread has a valid point too. But, it's kind of fun and that's what is important. I say good for the OP, have fun with it. I think people should eschew the established, academic order more often. Even if it's just for fun.
ok so in science they said that all living animals/people give of electrical currents. sp why couldnt this work? it makes scence to me that males/females give off different currents?
My Gramma was probably the most practical, rational person I knew most of the time. She had ten kids, she had to be. She did read the Nation Enquirer every Sunday though. She paid her $0.50 and read it even though she knew it was complete bunk. She would have loved that thing, wouldn't have mattered if it worked a lick.
You know what is good about your test? The fact that you are interested in doing it and seem to be enjoying it. Nothing else matters and you (at the end of the day) will have done something you chose to do and got an answer to your question. Same negative responses could also be said for anyone here who is incubating eggs. I bought an incubator and completed my first hatch (on my 2nd now), why....
because I just wanted to go through the experience, just like you with your sex testing. By the way, what type of magnet are you supposed to use, a horshoe shape or straight?
Go ahead and do it! Maybe it will work; maybe it won't. There is no harm in trying;more power to you. Am surprised at all the negativism. She is doing an EXPERIMENT to see if it works or not. She has not come to a definite conclusion which a lot of the posters without trying, seem to have done. This kind of thinking is going on too much in our society. And yes, I am trained in the sciences.

Good luck and let us know what the data reveals!
Morning All!!
Wow, I just happened to see the title of this post and it caught my eye!
The posts on here have been really funny!
I'll be following just for the comical posts.

I just tried wing-sexing for the first time a few weeks ago...banded everyone with different colors to see how accurate I am.

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