Sexing eggs?

I'm a member on a mini horse forum and most of the breeders on there do the "nail test" to predict the sex of an unborn foal. I hadn't heard of this before but I guess you put a nail on a string and dangle it over momma horse. If it swings back and forth it's male and if is swings in a circle it's a female. Maybe you could try this over each egg
If any of the supposed methods of sexing eggs actually worked hatcheries wouldn't hatch so many unwanted cockerels.
I'd love it to be true, then I wouldn't have hatches of 15 cockerels and 1 pullet.
It sounds cool, but

a) Since the embryo isn't developing yet when the shell is laid down, there is no potential mechanism for this to occur, and
b) If this were true, why do I get some clearly pointy egg and some clearly round ones from my hens? I have no roosters!!

Give it a shot, though! I guess you never know...

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