Sexing eggs!

Sorry to tell you all but you can not tell the sex of the chicken eggs... or change the percentage of male or female hatching.

Its just random chance.

Some hatches will be mostly male, some mostly female and some 50 / 50.

I have one hen who hatched out her eggs and there are 8 roosters and 2 hens.

Another hen hatched out 4 eggs and they are all female.

Some years I have too many roosters.. other years mostly hens.

But over time it averages out 50 / 50 hens to roosters.

If there was a way to get hatch out only hens the egg farming industry would have found it by now.. with all their scientists and vets and the millions they spend on research.

It's an experiment & FUN!
Wow well lets hope they are the exception that proves the rule lol ! Im still setting non pointy ones this year as I definitely had an improvement in my ratios last year. Keep those results rolling in.
It's just depressing. My 1st clutch of 12 was mailed to me from Missouri, only 4 were viable and only 2 hatched, both male. This clutch of 14 I picked up from a lady 20 minutes from my house, 12 were viable, 10 hatched and I opened the 2 that didn't, and all were male. I am awaiting 10 to hatch next week, and I am praying, BEGGING that there be girls in this batch!! I haven't measured these guys because my last batch blew the sexing eggs idea out of the water, but I guess I could when I put them in lockdown, if you guys really want me to?
The measurements of my last boys are as follows from pointy(er) end to round(er) end, measured with calipers:
#2=1.359-1.429, #3=1.391-1.498, #4=1.46-1.521, #5=1.352-1.486, #6=1.329-1.473, #7=1.298-1.450, #8=1.343-1.480, #9=1.255-1.419, #11=1.352-1.513, #12=1.313-1.498, #13=1.294-1.485 & #14=1.27-1.354. Measurements were taken 1/4-1/3" away from the tips of the eggs.
Out of the 8 eggs from my Easter Egger hen that where all the same shape, 7 hatched. Of those 7, 2 had to be culled. At 5 weeks old, it looks like I ended up with 3 girls and 2 boys.
I decided to give this chicken brujeria a whirl too. I set the roundest of the fresh eggs. I've spent weeks comparing the eggs from my hens. I have a hen that lays pointy eggs and one that lays round and I looked for the subtle differences.

Left is pointed, right is rounded from same hen.

Hopefully I get decent results. I have 9 roos from my last hatch that I have to cull today, and I'm sick about it. But I couldn't find anyone reliable or didn't give me suspicion on CL to take them, and I'd rather only have one bad day in their lives than go to a hoarder or fighter situation. But I'd like to avoid this in the future, so fingers crossed those eggs are PINK!
my bcm pullet lays round eggs only. anyone had the same situation and hatched the eggs? what were the results?

I gave 3 of her eggs to a neighbor who has a broody, if they hatch it will be in about 2 weeks and than about 4 weeks more to find it out.

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