sexing peachicks

Try sending the pictures to your email address then click and save them then try posting them. I wanna see pics LMOA
beautiful chicks and photos!!! love them all!!

ok here's the only two i could get, i have been emailing them, but i send 10 and only get one... stupid phone.
Houdini and George, and the hind end of midnight.

and houdini again.

no color in Houdini's crown as of yesterday, but def color in George's. i remember reading that only boys get color in their crown, is that true? i've looked at other picts and didn't see any girls with color in their crowns... i'm a little hopefull to at least have one boy :)
Hens can have color on their crown as well, so, not an indicator of sex at that age.
They just won't turn blue like the males do as they get older.
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This is for everyone who's commented on this post... Has anyone seen a thread made of pea since day 1? Should I start one? I'm new but figured I have pictures from egg of my kids (call me a little excited), I would be willing to post these if people with knowledge would post info and comments, for future reference of non-knowledgeable pea people (like myself) to learn from. Any interest?
dang, was hoping for one boy out of 3. oh well we'll see.
Little Roughian - they've talked about that before, maybe in another post. everyone thinks its a great idea, i havn't seen any yet tho... but i'm not on here that much. i've got picts every week so far. my kids are 13 weeks old now. i think the idea tho was to have picts up to adult so mine aren't old enough yet. the only one i'm 100 precent sure of is our bs hen. the other two are to hard for me to tell (one pied one silver pied) so i can't even say what they are. but you're on the same thinking as every one else :)

ok i have another question: on post 193 Houdini has white/cream spots on the feathers on the back of his/her neck... anyone know the reason/if this makes him a certain breed? or is that normal? as far was we know now he's silver pied ib. George also has them too. i think maybe they're part bs. but the guy i got them from knew nothing, he just got eggs and hatched them.
Some b/s hens have small areas of rusty-tan-purple areas on their necks just under and behind the heads,,all depends on what color b/s hen they are.But Houdini appears to be a male,,and it's possible these odd colored feathers now will beome black-silver in color as they grow in.Below is a 1 year old BSSP hen.

Here is a 1 yr old purple b/s hen.She shows a lot more purple color in the rusty tan area behind her head.

I'm thinking Houdini is showing an aweful lot of blue at the base-backside of the neck,too much blue to be a hen.So the colors looking cream may be precursors they will be gaining pigment in time.

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