Sexing the Brahma breed, (standard size, Light Brahma)

hi i have te same dilemma , i was given a mum and 2 chicks 6wks ago, they are now 15wks old and are free ranging with the others but they still follow mum around and sleep in the same nest box
but i cannot determin what sex they are
the only diff is one is slightly darker in colour, combs and wattles are pink on both ,with my other chickens i knew well before this what they were! the cocks combs were larger and red ! but these are same size etc
ive not noticed my other cocks peck 1 more than the other and no crowing.
hi i have te same dilemma , i was given a mum and 2 chicks 6wks ago, they are now 15wks old and are free ranging with the others but they still follow mum around and sleep in the same nest box
but i cannot determin what sex they are
the only diff is one is slightly darker in colour, combs and wattles are pink on both ,with my other chickens i knew well before this what they were! the cocks combs were larger and red ! but these are same size etc
ive not noticed my other cocks peck 1 more than the other and no crowing.

Post pictures!
Pictures of my Light Brahmas. They are approx 6 weeks old. I know I have at least 1 pullet, and at least 3 are definite cockerels. I don't know about the other 2.
The hen is one of my mutts who is injured, so she's hanging out with the babies.

Chick on far right is my pullet

Chick on far right is my pullet

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