Sexing the Brahma breed, (standard size, Light Brahma)

Could a pullet develop a pinkish comb at under 4 weeks?

I thought I had my chicks pegged for sex. I ordered 3 pullets and one cockeral. All suspected pullets are already feathering well out with wing, tail, leg, and feet feathers. All are close in development, except Big Bertha who is the biggest and most developed of all.

By default, I assumed the cockeral was feathering out the slowest, and that "he" was the only one still looking like a giant day old chick at almost 4 weeks.

However, I noticed yesterday that my most developed "pullets" comb is turning pinkish red. It seems like another "pullet" is just right behind her.

What do you folks think? Is this normal for early developing pullets or is my girls all boys, and if those are cockerals, what's up with the fuzzy no-feather chick?!

Big Bertha, the "pullet" with the reddening comb

I know it's blurry, sorry


Stew, the suspected cockeral (until now).
You can't :) Just have to watch for trends as they grow. It's particularly helpful if you have others the same age to compare, but we had a hen who fooled us for several weeks - her comb got more red than her sister, and she was slow to feather. A crow or an egg are the best indicators, unfortunately. Had a buff brahma that we thought was a hen, but he crowed at 5 weeks! Then the next week his comb turned bright red. Sometimes you can see slimmer pointed saddle feathers around 8-14 weeks.
So I have light Brahma chicks that are 3 weeks old there are 5 with more prominent tail feathers the other 6 not so much. Is there a way to tell which is which with the tail feathers??
No. Often females develop tail feathers first, but we had a pullet who got very late tail feathers. The ratio of roos:hens would be about right though, so it'll be interesting to see. Around 5-7 weeks the cockerels probably will develop redder combs.

Farm store purchase...

First, I want to make sure she's a brahma...
Second, is she a girl?
Third, what color/variety?
(2 months old)

Thank you!
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What a pretty girl! Looks very much like a pullet to me. Brahma.... not sure about that. I've never seen a brahma that color. Could be a mix or possibly a cochin? Gorgeous, whatever she is!
What a pretty girl! Looks very much like a pullet to me. Brahma.... not sure about that. I've never seen a brahma that color. Could be a mix or possibly a cochin? Gorgeous, whatever she is!

Well the best part is that she looks like a girl!!

My kids all chose a chick in the SR I figured they'd all be little roosters.
Do you think she might be a barred cochin?
We got a silver laced cochin around the same time, but she's so much fluffier than the cochin, I just thought she might be a brahma. Either way, I'll be keeping her. She's one of the sweetest and calmest chicks we've had.
Well the best part is that she looks like a girl!!

My kids all chose a chick in the SR I figured they'd all be little roosters.
Do you think she might be a barred cochin?
We got a silver laced cochin around the same time, but she's so much fluffier than the cochin, I just thought she might be a brahma. Either way, I'll be keeping her. She's one of the sweetest and calmest chicks we've had.

She looks more like a cuckoo Cochin than a barred Cochin at this point. Barred markings are usually more distinct and organized whereas cuckoo is a little messier. I have had barred rocks and I currently have cuckoo marans and her markings are more on point with the cuckoos. She's still young, so the colors may become more distinct as she feathers in. Beautiful little bird!!
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Well the best part is that she looks like a girl!!

My kids all chose a chick in the SR I figured they'd all be little roosters.
Do you think she might be a barred cochin?
We got a silver laced cochin around the same time, but she's so much fluffier than the cochin, I just thought she might be a brahma. Either way, I'll be keeping her. She's one of the sweetest and calmest chicks we've had.

She looks more like a cuckoo Cochin than a barred Cochin at this point. Barred markings are usually more distinct and organized whereas cuckoo is a little messier. I have had barred rocks and I currently have cuckoo marans and her markings are more on point with the cuckoos. She's still young, so the colors may become more distinct as she feathers in. Beautiful little bird!!

I think you're right!
She's on the left, and a barred rock on the right. I had been thinking she looked barred, but compared to barred rocks, she just wasn't the same. Glad you told me the barred Cochins are a little muddled...that makes sense now.
It really doesn't matter to me if she is a hen or a Roo but it would be nice to know for sure. I rescued her in June so I'm not sure how old she is, I know she's still really young and I know she's a brahma. Can anyone tell me if she's a hen or Roo? I have been thinking hen since I got her.

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