Sexing this SLW???

Cockerels are usually showing male feathering by that age. Here's an updated photo of my blr wyandotte cockerel who's the same age. Take a look at the saddle feathers on the back between the wings. They are very shiny and come to a sharp point.
Cockerels are usually showing male feathering by that age. Here's an updated photo of my blr wyandotte cockerel who's the same age. Take a look at the saddle feathers on the back between the wings. They are very shiny and come to a sharp point.

Oh wow! That cockerel is 13-14 weeks old? It's wattles are huge and red, and its comb is certainly red. The feathering is very different as well. That is, indeed, a huge difference.
Oh wow! That cockerel is 13-14 weeks old? It's wattles are huge and red, and its comb is certainly red. The feathering is very different as well. That is, indeed, a huge difference.

He hatched 5/28 so he'll be 13 weeks tomorrow. :)

You have a pretty pullet! I really like the silver laced. Maybe I'll eventually get a couple of those too. :)

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