Sexing Turkeys?

May 21, 2022
Ok so being new to turkeys somewhat, I base ther sex on behavior.
I have 4. They’re all 6wks old. I’m being told what you can’t sex them accurately until 6mos. But their behavior is suggesting their sex already.

All but 1, and that one may have, strut around at times.
The one bronze for sure did that. (Especially when I would talk to them w their sounds or use my Turkey call.)
Then the 2nd started.
Yesterday we had to separate the 2 bronze as they were fighting.

A few nights ago one of the white ones even gobbled.
What I’ve just read, which is what I thought, only males gobble. That’s why they’re called gobblers.

And while I’m new to raising turkeys, I’ve been around them growing up. Never did the female strut, or gobble. Only the male did.

@R2elk could you help out?
The males tend to have more of a square shaped head, more pronounced eye sockets and thicker legs. At least that's been the case with my Narragansetts and so far I've been correct 21 out of the past 22. The females strutted nearly as often as the males, so that was no indication at all.
Yes, that's the term I forgot. lol A snood.

I understood that. Some say though the snood is smaller on a female at hatch than the males. It is what I went off of last year, and it seemed accurate.

Have you heard of sexing them via their poop? I read about that yesterday. Males poop bigger different size than females.
I have seen no evidence that snood size at hatch means anything.

There is credible evidence that male turkeys can make straight line or J shaped droppings while hens make piles instead.
See what I read just a bit ago states that f they’re strutting before 6wks they’re males. The females usually strut afterwards.
@OneMountainAcres had a days old poult strutting in the brooder that is a confirmed hen. Strutting at a young age is more of a pecking order thing than a sex thing.

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