Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

wow - busy day. That's real progress on the allotments formalities, and on the flat, both of which are important matters and the news is positive. More Covid in the family is also important but not a happy matter; I hope all get better soon and the belated birthday celebrations are not pushed on too far.

How old are Fret's chicks now? Janeka's were 8 weeks old on the 2nd October, and they're all still together too, and Janeka is moulting too, so Snap!
It's been an everything all at once kind of day. Four hours with a break mid afternoon for a cup of tea.
This is what I found walking up the path through the allotments to the chicken run. What C has done is throw the dead geese into the wooded top corner close to where the fox lives. I need to make this quite clear, I don't have a problem with this but plenty of people may. The things is it's illegal. It's not a bit naughty illegal, it's prosecution lose lease kind of illegal. The remaining two males are going to be Christmas dinner I believe. Unfortunate and I wish I could write they've had a good life.:(
View attachment 3652664

We have a new group treasurer. The group has been without a treasurer for at least five years, for which of course, there are no proper accounts. The Vice Chairman has under a bit of pressure resigned. We'll be sacking the Chairman when we can get hold of him.
We have a commitee; there are some problems to iron out but they're there.
After many years of trying to see the full lease documant we now have a copy; two now in fact.
C has accepted a document I drafted which acts as a reciept for plot payments with the allotment rules.
C is "taking a break" from the allotment for the next couple of months at least. We shall see.

I have a date to view the flat on offer. That's a major step forward.

The eldest's husband came back from their holidays with Covid. It seems likely that the youngest has Covid as well.:rolleyes:

Fret is moulting so her and Henry make a sorry looking pair at the moment. The chicks seem fine as does their mother. She's still doing the mother bit but a lot more relaxed. She goes off to roost before the chicks now but if the chicks shout for her for some reason she comes back out.
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Fret has done a great job with her chicks, so lovely to follow their progress and that she got to be a mum. Love the pullet’s top knot!

Let’s hope C really is taking a break from the allotments. They could‘ve at least tried to bury the poor geese and horrid for the 2 males being Christmas dinner without even a decent quality of life beforehand :he

Well done all there on getting a sensible committee together, hoping no-one tries to put a spanner in the works :fl
Fingers crossed the flat move goes as smoothly as possible :fl:fl

Bummer about the eldest’s husband coming back off holiday with Covid, will that delay the belated birthday celebration? Ditto the youngest likely having it too :(
But the moment I lose my grip on stressors, all the issues are right back again. That's actually one of the reasons I disappear from online every so often, I'm trying to manage overwhelm.
Stress is a killer, so you have to do what makes you happy and less stressed. I get overwhelmed with a lot of social interaction, so occasionally just read through to make sure everyone is ok, and like comments and pop back out.

I had thyroid issues so I had the radioactive iodine therapy to kill my thyroid, so lot's of things impact the way I feel. I have found, for me, eating low to no carbs and intermittent fasting, helps manage my reaction to stress. The only veg I eat are things we grow in our own garden, completely organic. I avoid corn, root veg, except the occasional swede (rutabaga). We just harvested 20 pounds of Brussel sprouts, and I will have a few of those with Sunday roast, but no Yorkshire puddings or roasted potatoes. I don't miss anything and I basically eat what I want. I made a sourdough starter so I could bake my husband some bread, and I had a slice to make sure it was good. ;-)
It's been an everything all at once kind of day. Four hours with a break mid afternoon for a cup of tea.
This is what I found walking up the path through the allotments to the chicken run. What C has done is throw the dead geese into the wooded top corner close to where the fox lives. I need to make this quite clear, I don't have a problem with this but plenty of people may. The things is it's illegal. It's not a bit naughty illegal, it's prosecution lose lease kind of illegal. The remaining two males are going to be Christmas dinner I believe. Unfortunate and I wish I could write they've had a good life.:(
View attachment 3652664

We have a new group treasurer. The group has been without a treasurer for at least five years, for which of course, there are no proper accounts. The Vice Chairman has under a bit of pressure resigned. We'll be sacking the Chairman when we can get hold of him.
We have a commitee; there are some problems to iron out but they're there.
After many years of trying to see the full lease documant we now have a copy; two now in fact.
C has accepted a document I drafted which acts as a reciept for plot payments with the allotment rules.
C is "taking a break" from the allotment for the next couple of months at least. We shall see.

I have a date to view the flat on offer. That's a major step forward.

The eldest's husband came back from their holidays with Covid. It seems likely that the youngest has Covid as well.:rolleyes:

Fret is moulting so her and Henry make a sorry looking pair at the moment. The chicks seem fine as does their mother. She's still doing the mother bit but a lot more relaxed. She goes off to roost before the chicks now but if the chicks shout for her for some reason she comes back out.
View attachment 3652667View attachment 3652666View attachment 3652665View attachment 3652662View attachment 3652663
So very busy, with lot's of good things happening. C taking a step back should mean peace, while she is away.

The chicks look fantastic Fret is doing an amazing job! At least Carbon and Henry can commiserate on the discomfort of moulting.

I hope the flat works out. As bad as moving is, being closer to the allotment will be great. *FingersCrossed
wow - busy day. That's real progress on the allotments formalities, and on the flat, both of which are important matters and the news is positive. More Covid in the family is also important but not a happy matter; I hope all get better soon and the belated birthday celebrations are not pushed on too far.

How old are Fret's chicks now? Janeka's were 8 weeks old on the 2nd October, and they're all still together too, and Janeka is moulting too, so Snap!
View attachment 3652709
They are gorgeous!
I feel terrible when I have to eat meat, like yesterday evening at my in-laws 🤢😂. But I like my partner's mother and know she would be quite upset if I didn't eat what she cooks.
If someone invites me for diner I tell them I don’t like to eat meat. Within my family it was hardly respected at first. But now they all do.

I don't eat grains or most carbs, for that matter. Since going carnivore in January, I have lost 85 pounds, my cholesterol has improved immensely, my doctor is shocked, to say the least. I also feel great and have bags of energy.
Good you lost overweight but I really can’t believe this is healthy for a longer time. Lifestyle advise (from organisation paid by the government/not influencers) here says no more than 80 grams of meat /meat products and at least 200 grams of veggies each day for a healthy diet.

I also know people who only eat veggies, nuts and so, mostly raw. All they could eat, lost a lot of weight and feel way better after a few weeks.
Maybe you can get away with being "selectively negative" for awhile -- just for the people you actually want to see!
I can’t imagine @Shadrach visiting people he doesn’t like , just to be polite. 😂

Did you’ll see the pic on the homepage that was used for the thread how-reliable-are-automatic-coop doors. Nice!
It’s from Shad. The thread isn't.

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