Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

I wanted to get new pics of Skeksis in her holiday stuff, but my wife packed it away somewhere. So here's the old stuff.

Wow, that is quite a bit of skulduggery in C’s part! I’m floored to learn that C was the one who had ‘offered’ to buy the coop! That and the fact that she’s trying to use allotment money to pay for something for personal use. She obviously knows it’s underhanded because of how she tried to keep the ‘buyer’ unknown to you, and then push you into selling it quickly before anyone else is the wiser.

I’ve done community gardens in the past, before I had a yard of my own to garden in. Every place had a signed contract. Most had access to a tiller, one had the tilling done for you unless you specifically requested that it not be done. It seems like there was always someone that quit partway through the growing season (usually right before plants started producing) and that was always a hassle for the organizers. Often they would ask if anyone wanted to take on the plot for a reduced price, which was an excellent deal since the plants had already been put in, though the plot was probably in serious need of weeding. At any rate, the money went into paying for the irrigation water, upkeep on the tillers, property tax, etc. Nothing like the mystery shrouded finances the way C seems to be using them. I’m very curious to hear how this meeting goes, and if there will be some sort of decision to stand against how C has been running things.
I'm not sure how much of the rather tedious drama I should write about. Apparently when I left the Whatsapp group C threw a major hissy fit. A couple of people have shown me on their phones.

It's been suggested that I start another whatsapp group minus C because there are a few who would like to be clear about what the issues are so they can assess what they can do to help. While encouraging in some respects it is likely to be one of those grenades I mentioned earlier.

I have been told a lot of stuff by other members who have spoken to me without any evidence to back it up so the chance for everyone to hear all people have to say in one place where they are not intimidated, or shouted down by C might be a good thing.

I'm begining to feel like the cowboy in those films that rides into some no name town and tries to teach the smallholders how to fight the bully rancher.:lol: I'm going to have to watch a few more of these films to assess the chances of survival before I take the job on.:lau
And sometimes, the smallholders are just looking for someone else to take responsibility and put themselves on the line. I'm sure you are aware of this. Any time you have to deal with socio, psycho or narcissistic people, it is a soul sucking battle.
The older I get, the more isolated I want to be. Being in the shadow of NYC is terrible in that regard, but my wife is miserable in this semi-rural area we currently reside.
You couldn't get her parents to move to FL? I thought that was what everyone up north did, with about 25% settling in my county - Myrtle Beach, SC. As soon as my husband can retire, we are moving west. I'm not sure there will be enough land left to be semi rural by then. Unless we become billionaires. :lau
Matilda has gone as have two Legbars (not Fret) and two of the larger Ex Battery hens. I have seen some pictures of where they've gone and from what little I can see it looks okay.:fl

Removing the top hen from the group is not the way I would go about it. The remaining hens were much more aggressive than usual and I had to break up a couple of fights. Henry was a bit subdued I thought.

Didn't get above freezing. C has broken the water containor I assume by smashing the ice. The allotment tap is frozen solid. Feed all over the ground. Rats running under the pallet C chucked in there.
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Slightly more acceptable.
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I absolutely hate that they took Matilda. I think she and Henry should have stayed together. Matilda has lived her entire life with Henry. I know, on a scale of things, its not as bad as taking children from their parents, but still, it makes me want to cry.
One of the key issues in setting it up was working out what to exclude.
In my state there is generally no tax on clothing and no tax on food at the grocery store .... unless it is prepared food, then there is a 9% "rooms and meals" tax. Frankly I would rather they tax junk food and not tax things like the precooked chicken.

You know, you’re very good at piquing one’s curiosity with what sounds like a whole lot of interesting details and then leaving one hanging. :hmm
@Shadrach has many skills!!

tax (old, but still full value) Nuit (June 2015) and the June 2021 chicks she raised.

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