Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

They are so funny, they just do not like change. If you give it some time, they will get used to it. During the day, mine are all intermingled, the 5 boys alternate between several groups of the girls, but at night the younger pullets head off to the nursery coop with Pip and sometimes Squeak, the the 3 older boys with the original 9, head off to the big coop.

I had the same idea, with the dropping temps overnight, I decided they would all be better off in the big coop, so I completely blocked access to the nursery coop and run. The first night, I practically had to carry 24 pullets into the coop, 2nd night about half went in Blue helped though, he came out and offered the girls some treats then got some to follow him in, last night..there were only about 8 holdouts, that had to be carried in, so maybe tonight... The boys don't care, they are happy to have everyone together, it is just the spoiled girls.

I wanted to move them anyway, because the nursery coop needs tearing down and rebuilding.(we have learned a lot in this first year..) the cold weather was just a good excuse. We are going to make some improvements and modifications to the big coop this weekend. (More poop boards and roosts.)
It's so true they don't like change. In the past, I've combined coops by luring everyone in the run with treats before dusk, then letting them find their way up the ramp together. It usually takes 1-2 nights before they voluntarily change routines.

Not so with Dre's Baes. I had them roost together on freezing nights a few weeks ago, too, but any time there's a chance to roost separately again, they take it. We have enough coops, so I'm not inclined to force it.

This is a happy AGC, spread out, food on his beak that nobody's trying to clean off, the equivalent of one of us on the couch in old sweats after a long day of work. He's in his element.


In another coop, 3 speckled rumps fluffed up and crashed out.
Ex Batts good evening one and all!

I'm trying to respond to my BYC emails as I have been at the hospital for 11 hours waiting for my hubby to have a blood clot removed from his left leg.

The clot was from his groin to his knee.

The physician did not even bother to come by his room to let me know how he was doing and what he had done.

He was moved to ICU and may have to go back to cath lab tomorrow and they will call me to let me know.

Temperature is in the 50s.

Have a great day!
It's so true they don't like change. In the past, I've combined coops by luring everyone in the run with treats before dusk, then letting them find their way up the ramp together. It usually takes 1-2 nights before they voluntarily change routines.

Not so with Dre's Baes. I had them roost together on freezing nights a few weeks ago, too, but any time there's a chance to roost separately again, they take it. We have enough coops, so I'm not inclined to force it.

This is a happy AGC, spread out, food on his beak that nobody's trying to clean off, the equivalent of one of us on the couch in old sweats after a long day of work. He's in his element.

View attachment 3704729

In another coop, 3 speckled rumps fluffed up and crashed out.
View attachment 3704738
He looks like a happy boy! My first 12, have been together since they hatched, so they really like each others company, the 26 younger ones, have been together since they hatched and are mostly inseparable. They have been been all together, during the day since August or September and getting along great.

I was a few minutes late escaping work tonight, so it was already really dark, but they were all in the main coop on roosts, and more of the youngins were up on the roost with the originals, cooing and purring happily!
Ex Batts good evening one and all!

I'm trying to respond to my BYC emails as I have been at the hospital for 11 hours waiting for my hubby to have a blood clot removed from his left leg.

The clot was from his groin to his knee.

The physician did not even bother to come by his room to let me know how he was doing and what he had done.

He was moved to ICU and may have to go back to cath lab tomorrow and they will call me to let me know.

Temperature is in the 50s.

Have a great day!
Uggh! That is a massive clot! Sending you positive vibes! Be sure you are getting some rest and healthy food and water to help you body deal with the stress.
Ex Batts good evening one and all!

I'm trying to respond to my BYC emails as I have been at the hospital for 11 hours waiting for my hubby to have a blood clot removed from his left leg.

The clot was from his groin to his knee.

The physician did not even bother to come by his room to let me know how he was doing and what he had done.

He was moved to ICU and may have to go back to cath lab tomorrow and they will call me to let me know.

Temperature is in the 50s.

Have a great day!
I’m so sorry Karen! I hope your DH recovers quickly and you can get some rest! :hugs
Ex Batts good evening one and all!

I'm trying to respond to my BYC emails as I have been at the hospital for 11 hours waiting for my hubby to have a blood clot removed from his left leg.

The clot was from his groin to his knee.

The physician did not even bother to come by his room to let me know how he was doing and what he had done.

He was moved to ICU and may have to go back to cath lab tomorrow and they will call me to let me know.

Temperature is in the 50s.

Have a great day!
Sorry to hear this. I hope he will be taken good care of in ICU, that you can get some rest, and that he will recover from this intervention.

I don't know if it is the case in the US too, but here many public hospitals and private clinics are so short on staff that the people who work there just don't have the time to be decent and explain things. It is hard for them and I think they just grow a shell to keep doing their job.
Ex Batts good evening one and all!

I'm trying to respond to my BYC emails as I have been at the hospital for 11 hours waiting for my hubby to have a blood clot removed from his left leg.

The clot was from his groin to his knee.

The physician did not even bother to come by his room to let me know how he was doing and what he had done.

He was moved to ICU and may have to go back to cath lab tomorrow and they will call me to let me know.

Temperature is in the 50s.

Have a great day!
:hugs I hope the surgery goes well for him, and that you're both back on track soon.

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