Shaken up by deformed chick- assisted hatch.


7 Years
Mar 15, 2012
Early yesterday morning a chick pipped. By this morning it had broken off part of the shell but had not done anymore. By this evening the membrane was very dry and it was clear this chick needed help. 5 others hatched since this chick pipped. I zipped the egg and put it back in the incubator and nothing. So I completely delivered the chick. Everything went great, no blood, very simple. But it became clear why this chick couldnt hatch on its own...
The first thing I noticed was this chick did not have many feathers. Next I noticed it appears to have a bulbous belly, and it can not lift its head- which looks to large for the rest of its body. The joints of the wings are backwards, so its wings resemble the way human arms lay. The feet look like they can't possibly be used, some of the toes don't even have claws.
I do not know what to do. This chick is lively. Its chirping lots, and trying to walk. When it does manage to stand up it is completely upright, like a person would stand. I'm not sure it has leg joints...
I don't know if I should cull the chick quite yet because it's trying to survive. I will try to get a picture later, but it's still in the incubator.

This is my first hatch. I am a little shaken up. Has anyone else seen anything like this?
I forgot to add the egg was very stinky, and had dark green gunk in it. Should I seperate this chick from the rest or take the egg shell out?
I don't see anyway this chick can possibly survive without human help for the rest of its life (if it makes it beyond even a couple days). I've had chicks with deformed legs/feet, and they always end up dying. The humane thing is to cull them, that way they don't suffer more than necessary in this world.

I've never experienced green gunk in an egg a live chick hatched from, but perhaps others have. Maybe they will have some insight on that. Sounds like this chick is just physiologically unviable.
I would cull the chick. The will to survive is genetic and not really something the chick is "trying" to do. I can't imagine this chick growing into a bird with any quality of life. I encourage you to make the best decision for you and your chick. I have dealt with some deformities during hatching and when deformities are found on assisted hatches, its natures way of checks and measures. Chicks that have to be assisted, when the rest of the hatch doesn't, are most likely to have something wrong with them or else they would have hatched.
Well I got eggs from the same person that sent you the eggs and all of my babies were just great. But things do happens sometimes don't feel discoursed about it. I would just cull it now. Well post some pictures of the rest of your babies for us to see. Hope the rest of your hatch goes well for you. I got a lot of blue silkie's and silkie mix's in mine. You will see better the next day when they are all fluffy.
You got eggs from bobzant or ilovefrizzles? I set from both. Bobzants are the ones that are hatching and the rest of them look amazing! So pretty. I know the deformed one was a fluke and i probably should not have assisted in the hatch. I was wondering if there was silkies but I didn't know she had any.
I got my eggs from bobzant. Well it is fine you helped it hatch. We have all done it. When I do it I figure either it will die not coming out or I have a chance to help and not lose it so you have a 50/50 chance I rather take that chance of helping then not but that is me. People will say how they feel or what they think about it. I really don't care. Like some of my other eggs I got came from another person and my sunflower hen chick egg was having problems coming out I helped because I would rather have had 2 of them born rather then just one. Well the one I helped well after 24 hours is healthy and a chubby chick and doing great. So how are the rest of them I really want to see pictures of them. I can't wait! Don't feel bad you did a great job ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yes she has silkies honey wait til you see them lol. I didn't even notice until the next day when they were fluff balls and were silkies. I just knew they looked really dark gray when born. There was 1 pure white silkie but it is still a blue. She has like 500 pictures on her profile go see them. The rest that came out were pure gray and 4 toes and not black skin because those ones are mixed with another kind of chicken. I love my babies here is another picture of all of mine for you to see.That first gray and yellow one in the front is not one of her chicks that one is a Lav/lav split orp.From the other persons eggs I only got 8 chicks all the rest were from bobzant's eggs.
If it's lively and can eat/drink I would give him a chance. Miracles happen and if we ended lives because "we" didn't think they were worth it then imagine how many creatures and even humans wouldn't be here. I have a handicapped duck that can't really walk, doesn't mean that he can't enjoy life. He loves to swim, lay down in the shade. He just has to be carried to where you put him. My husband built a rectangle cage that can be moved around the yard and he loves it in there. I would give him a chance.
Hey everyone, thanks for the responses. If I see the chicks suffering I will cull it, but we decided to give the little thing a chance.
The chick is doing well this morning! It's finally managed to untuck it's head and was standing. It looks more normal... The biggest odd thing is its one "human arm" ;) wing. Turns put its just one, not two. Last night I kept it in the incubator in hopes of drying off but the strange thing is still pretty wet! I will post pictures soon.
Chickenlover- for you I will post pictures of all of them. :) I have been REALLY wanting a silkie so I hope one is. I didn't see 5 toes on any yet though. This is a strange hatch. It's day 23 and I think they're still hatching.

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