Shaking Chick!! {Happy Updates!! pg. 5}[Pics on pg.6]


11 Years
12 Years
Jan 25, 2008
One of my week old Dorking chicks cannot/will not stop shaking his head. It is more of a vibration than a "shake the stuff off by beak". It walks in circles looking for a dark place to get into. I need help. This chick is otherwise healthy and has kept up with all the other chicks in growth. But it's head just keeps vibrating and it nervously walks in circles looking for a place to hid.

What's going on!?!?! Do I need to dispatch it?!?! It came out of a brooder of 20 other chicks? NONE of the other chicks are doing this, neither have any of the 50 or so chicks before this batch have done it.

Please, please, please help!!

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It's eyes seem fine. It's crop seems a bit big, but would this cause this behavior?

It is moving fine, it is only this behavior that' sreally freaking me out.

They have fresh water and I just refilled their food when I found it. I have it in a box in the house next to me, so I can watch it and the more I watch it the more worried I become.

They haven't had much light recently because they're lamp died and the shed has been warm enough with just the weather alone. If it was a light problem wouldn't more chicks be acting this way?

She has a light on her now, but she chooses to stay at the other end of the box. She was the ONLY one even acting cold. I'll see how she acts in the box. I have some that are only a couple days old in the same brooder. If there was a temp problem wouldn't the younger ones be showing sign first? I had to remove the light because no matter where I put it they would all pant.

Do chickens seize? Would it last so long? My dog seizes but it is completly involuntarey, she thrashes. This chick can control everything but her head.

Unfortunately I have no advice but I understand your fright and frustration. Hopefully if we keep it at the top of the recent posts someone who knows something will see this and help you.
I need to make a correction. She is two weeks old, hatched the week before last. The ones only a couple days old were hatched Friday.

Well, if she's staying away from the light, she doesn't need it, maybe you could move it further away from her.
I said seizing cause even tho you describe it well, I can't see her so I'm grasping. With that shivering, the first thing I think of is a neuro thing. How long has she been doing this? Has she been drinking enough?
Okay, so I guess you hatched her, so she wasn't exposed to a hatchery.
The other thing I think about is poison? Anything that could make her sick?

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