Shannon from Rainy Washington

Fingers crossed with the emus... thank you!

Shannon please check out the EMU forum for information on hatching them. I believe their hatch is about 55 days. Pyxis, who I consider an Emu expert, has advice on hatching. Monitoring weight gain or loss in the eggs can foretell vitality or lack of it.
Sending good hatching vibes your way.:jumpy:jumpy:jumpy(pretend these are emu)
Of course there’s a bunch of crazy chicken people from Washington... I should have known. Finally stopped raining 20 minutes ago, running outside to get some stuff done before it starts again!

I did the whole eBay hatching thing and found a good source. 99% of the eggs are fertile, but my incubators aren’t the best. I will only buy eggs from her at this point though. Received a bunk batch of Cemanis and won’t do that again.

The current assortment is as follows...

4 Ayam Cemanis (LOVE them)
4 Isbars (LOVE them)
4 Marans - 3 blue, 1 assorted color
2 Pavlovskayas (stand off ish)
1 Flower hen
1 Legbar or Basque hen, not sure yet
1 Blue Laced Red Wayandotte
4 Guineas, 2 pair

The 4 adults I pretty much adopted are Rhode Island Red crosses.

The brooder box is empty and I can’t have it. Attached is a video I took this morning because of the pest issue I’m trying to figure out.

Is the breeder from eBay located in Washington or did you get the eggs shipped? Welcome to BYC! I am located in Washington as well, there are plenty of chicken lovers here lol. I hate an empty brooder as well, I went from ten chickens to 25 with more coming!
Thank you for all the warm welcomes :)

I’ve been holding about 97.5 degrees and 30% to 40% humidity. The tape is on one of the eggs due to too much weight being lost early on. So far the two remaining eggs are holding perfectly now. The two eggs that went bad lost a lot of weight too quickly, so I knew something was up with those. Then one by one they started to stink. You can actually sniff the egg and tell it’s rotten. Opened both and nothing was present. Stinky creamy soup?

The eBayer I purchased the chicken eggs from was FoxFirePapillions. They’re in Idaho, so not too far for Washington delivery. Perfectly packaged box and extra eggs. I was still learning so unfortunately I only got half of each batch. Humidity was too high. But the eBayer provided fertile, good eggs.

I would have to say the hardest part so far with chimkens was having to cull a baby. It had a slipped tendon and I didn’t know that if caught right away it could be corrected.

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