"Share a Laugh" a Random Posting Thread ~ hosts, Mike & Sally

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wait for the math crap to start coming home, I have no darn clue how to help my kids, My thoughts are you wish to teach them crap I dont know, teach them it at school dont send them homework to do when I cant help and I am way too old for learning that crap nor do I want to learn it!!!!
wait for the math crap to start coming home, I have no darn clue how to help my kids, My thoughts are you wish to teach them crap I dont know, teach them it at school dont send them homework to do when I cant help and I am way too old for learning that crap nor do I want to learn it!!!!
You're not too old
Post there math homework on here and I'll teach you

Morning by the way.
Ok everyone. This just happened here... Yes it's stinky but it is his own fault.....

My son and daughter climbed onto the couch with my husband while he was playing a game on the PS3 when my husband had to fart... He told the kids move. My son snuggled deeper and my daughter moved.... My son is now trying to claw his way out from under the stink
his daddy has him pinned by the legs
He was warned. Now he suffers the stink of ages!!!
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