Shark snipers Wine dots NEW HATCHES and puppies 1/24/2011 update

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Mrs. Turbo :

Hi all snipers.......
We are reformed snipers, I promise so hope I am not intruding……I am now sniping the bantam BLRWs....... just noticed they moved your thread to the rambling section and thought I would check it out because there has to be something good in there to keep you ladies going…..found it!

Wow, pudding shots, never heard of them and I was even in the army. I think we just went with the everclear because it was cheap….. did make Jell-O shots before. Guess it will be a few months before I can try the recipe….. need to pop out a baby first…..LOL

Congrates on the baby and welcome. Pudding shots after labor...hhhhmmmm....something to look forward to...?
Hi all snipers.......
We are reformed snipers, I promise so hope I am not intruding……I am now sniping the bantam BLRWs....... just noticed they moved your thread to the rambling section and thought I would check it out because there has to be something good in there to keep you ladies going…..found it!

Wow, pudding shots, never heard of them and I was even in the army. I think we just went with the everclear because it was cheap….. did make Jell-O shots before. Guess it will be a few months before I can try the recipe….. need to pop out a baby first…..LOL

Congrates on the baby and welcome. Pudding shots after labor...hhhhmmmm....something to look forward to...?

What about butterscotch pudding with the baileys?
Bummer about the eggs. 1/3 broken, and what did the rest go through.....???
Having said that I got 9 eggs from the east coast. I was cracked but the other 8 hatched so you never know, and people do have success waxing up cracks.
Has anyone tried that second skin stuff that you put on wounds to keep them clean and aid healing while new skin grows underneath?

I used to wax them, but switched to elmers glue, was sick of getting hot wax all over my hands(while trying to not drop the egg). Tried nail polish but it smelled so bad I figured it couldn't be good and that one quit. I tried the elmers glue and 3 of 4 have hatched this year(only try if there is no liquid leaking) so I use that all the time now. Just apply a thin coat where needed while I candle to make sure I get all parts.
Wow you girls have been busy today, haven't even had a chance to read the whole thread. I got my last box of eggs today and my order from ideal. Since I couldn't hatch any chocolate(dun) or khaki chicks I found chocolate oegb at ideal so I ordered some of them with other breeds. All chicks made it alive
. I have 2 ameraucana chicks from McSpin hatch today and I think I have 2 pips and 3 with nothing. One of my silkied ameraucana quit so I am down to 5 on day 14. Tossed a seeping egg yesterday and have 4 of 6 w/c chocolate polish developing(that I can see). My new opal oegb finally laid an egg so I am going to set it with the eggs that came today, was hoping they would start to lay more regularly but they will probably do that when they settle in and I stop moving them
I can't seem to give all these chicks away....I offered if someone took all the black ameraucana(yes there are a lot of roos but some pullets) because I am only keeping 2 pullets from each breeder and maybe a couple cockerals all together that I would throw in some Paul Smith black ameraucana too, all for free. I got 20 straight run and am going to pick 5 or 6 and get rid of the rest......if no one takes them soon I am going to sort out what I suspect are cockerals and toss them all in a bachelor pen, sell the pullets and then give the roos away as soon as I know they are definitely roos
LOL Krista I am starting to think more and more that "mad scientist" is your perfect description

I have the bloodlines of 4 seperate and distinct flocks going into my LF BLRW breeding program and I feel good about that. I already have birds that are looking incredible. I need to thin them down to 2 roos and maybe 6-7 hens. I'd like to keep a splash and a dark blue roo. I have one roo at this point (out of my ILOVEFRIZZLES stock) that is about 12 weeks old and showing incredible promise for form and color his mahogony red is SO vibrant and his lacing is wonderful, he is also a very full bird. His sister dot (the one I almost lost to a hernia) has gorgeous lacing. I also have a straight combed BLRW roo that I am screaming about because he is straight combed, figures his color and type are darn near perfect. His sister however...
and she has a proper comb. C'est la vie... "Oops" as I named him for being straight combed, will most likely be sold as part of a breeding trio.
I miss Deanners too:-( Cans he join us Wednesday? I think she PMD me last week and I havent had the chance to get back to many people at all:-( I cant stand being so busy and booked with time from the minute I wake until bedtime-Like I just put the locks down on all birds-cleaned kitty box-
kenneld dog-started laundry-and sat back down to say nighty night!
Sept 23rd but I guess they will induce a week early because I have high bloodpressure this time. Went to the Dr. yesterday and i am measuring 3 weeks ahead already. Another big baby.

We haven't had too many single combs this year. That is a good thing, but I will keep my eye out if you dont find one by fall. It would be a young one because we cull them out pretty young. What are you using him with?

you are making my womenhood hurt!
I never got to have a "natural" childbirth.. I was induced with both:-( but they were both 3 hrs start to finish:) little stich here a little stich there-wala-good as new...LOL...and never DD are 14 and 11-I have a princess and a tomboy ( just like mommy) Im going to say Sept 18th!

Natural childbirth is overrated.
I remember when I found out what a shark was. It is refered to around here as the "penny bid unpleasantness". I try not to think of it often.(shudder) It was in my attempt to understand these strange creatures that I first found this thread.

Whoda thunk that a penny could mean so much? You know what the difference is between $1000.00 and $1000.01 is?

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you are making my womenhood hurt!
I never got to have a "natural" childbirth.. I was induced with both:-( but they were both 3 hrs start to finish:) little stich here a little stich there-wala-good as new...LOL...and never DD are 14 and 11-I have a princess and a tomboy ( just like mommy) Im going to say Sept 18th!

Natural childbirth is overrated.

I agree Sem, I had 2 natural and 5 sections.....loved to be able to sit after childbirth with those sections

eta- I think the most important part is the end result, a healthy baby....don't care how I needed to get there
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I remember when I found out what a shark was. It is refered to around here as the "penny bid unpleasantness". I try not to think of it often.(shudder) It was in my attempt to understand these strange creatures that I first found this thread.

Whoda thunk that a penny could mean so much? You know what the difference is between $1000.00 and $1000.01 is? true hahaha

dak - I have 11 Mrs. Chickendad eggs viening as we speak, so if there is a single comb splash roo in there, it is yours, AND I will drive it to you because I LOVE your part of the country. Spent a lot of time as a kid in NM and AZ and did a lot of mapping right in your area in college.

Sadly, I have a single comb black laced roo
and a single comb blue laced pullet.

Mrs T - Congrats and good luck! Let us know when the blessed event is near and we will all send good hatching vibes your way!
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