Sharp pointed egg?!

Layer feed is not a "necessity" , I feed an all flock or flock raiser and have for many years. When out of stock I use an 18-20% grower feed. Provide the OS all the time and you will be fine. Most layer feed is 16% protein and I find mine do better on the slightly higher at 18 -20%. And this makes it easier/better when you have mixed ages or roo's in the mix so everyone can get the same thing. Scratch and peck is used a lot and many people really like it, but since it is whole grains it can possibly cause issues for some birds that pick and choose favorite parts and leave the rest. I personally prefer a crumble or pellet for that reason. My birds like crumble better than pellet for whatever reason, and it's easier to make into a mash when needed.
New layers can have glitches, so hopefully this one will work itself out after a few cycles.
Funky membrane which then couldn't be fully shelled.
Cut out all the extras for a couple-few weeks.

If you do use the cracked grain version of that feed, might want to soak or ferment it so the 'fines'(vitamins/minerals/amino acids) get consumed.

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