Apr 28, 2013 #1 Eggnog101 Songster 7 Years Jun 26, 2012 527 18 101 Alright, so I have a broody Brahma she's been broody for over twenty-one days. How long will she stay broody?
Alright, so I have a broody Brahma she's been broody for over twenty-one days. How long will she stay broody?
Apr 28, 2013 #2 Habibs Hens Cream Legbar Keeper 7 Years Mar 31, 2012 3,084 142 213 London, UK My Coop My Coop has she hatched anything she will stay broody unless you break her broodiness or she hatches and becomes a mother or then a long time after when she gets fed up could be a few months
has she hatched anything she will stay broody unless you break her broodiness or she hatches and becomes a mother or then a long time after when she gets fed up could be a few months