.. she is breathing hard VIDEO added.. she died last night.


too many projects too little time!
11 Years
May 2, 2008
Pensacola, FL
I went out to count the girls and one of the polish was missing so I went to the coop to see if she was in there.. she was

you can hear her breathing kind of wheezing .. and she was not moving .. up on the top roost.. she has her beak opening and closing while she breaths..

someone please help..

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It's hard to say what to do...any more symptoms or information? Has she been healthy up to today? How old is she? It's possible she is sick or she may have ingested something... I would start by putting her in a dark quiet place, where she can still hear and maybe see the others but is isolated from them...make sure she is warm and has privacy and a comfortable place to lie down. And, make sure she has water. Then, maybe look around the coop for some clues...unusual poo, blood, whatever. If there is nothing you certainly should keep her isolated and watch the others too. It could be the start of a virus. Chickens are very good at concealing symptoms til they are very sick.
healthy up until today.

she is about 30 weeks old. POL

I dont think she has injested something .. how do I check? can I look down her throat?

she did poo in the kenel we just put her in .. a little watery but with green and white mixed in..

they free range so there is lots of things that they might have gotten into ...
Put her somewhere warm and away from the other chickens.

Add raw organic ACV to the water.

Give a nutritional boost of liquid baby vitamins if you have them - poly-vi-sol without iron - 5 drops by beak 1x per day.

Try to coax her to eat some yogurt, cooked egg and boiled rice.

Keep her warm, in dim light, quiet and calm.

Watch for other symptoms and let us know how she is doing.

I can't diagnose the problem. I don't treat my chickens with antibiotics. I am sorry I can't help further.

Keep us posted.
Do the standard things when you dont know what's wrong. Isolate her. Dont feed her regular food, just soft stuff like plain yogurt, scrambled eggs, runny oatmeal, etc, for a couple of days. Apple cider vinegar in her water, 1 TBSP to a gallon. Observe her and see what changes. I have no idea what's wrong, but the standard protocols I just described are in order.
I want to bring her inside but my DH is worried that she might have like avain bird flu or something contagious.. any thoughts on this..

and should I look down her throat to see if anthing is there?
You wont catch anything from her so dont worry about that. If you have a laundry room or garage, you could put her in a dog crate or cage there. Yes, you can look into her mouth and throat. Takes two people to do it well.




quite a few of the chickens have these little scabs, I thought it was them being board and picking on each other.. if it is the pox will they get over it like regular pox?

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