She Lies Like a Rug



❤️ Exodus 20:8-11 ❤️
Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Mar 5, 2019
SE Missouri, USA
This is my Gracie. I used to think you could not lie to a dog, and that a dog could not lie, either. But look at this face. She has already had her bedtime cookies, and she is doing her best to convince me that no, she has not. Look at those innocent-looking eyes! "Why no, Mother, I have not had any cookies since last night! Honest! I would NEVER lie to you!" When in fact she just had cookies THREE MINUTES ago! She cracks me up. Does your dog (or other pet) ever lie to you? Tell us about it.

Omg I love her! She's so cute!
She looks just like Doodle and Smudge, (the two Cornish X I keep as pets) after I feed them dinner. 🤣 🤣 🤣
Except this is her begging face-

"Nope, food? Wheres food? I haven't eaten all day! Nothing other then clover and bugs I foraged. Are you serious! You would really think I'de jump into the 20% protein feed bag and gorge myself??? Who do you think I am? An uncivilized greedy bird !?"
She is absolutely precious! You're one strong Mother! She has a face that could get away with anything ❤️

Edited to add: She looks so well cared for! Her coat is amazing! Do you brush her daily?
Thank you, yes she is precious, and yes she does! She is spoiled rotten and I love her to pieces. Her coat stays in pretty good shape on its own, thank you. I have a friend who comes out and gives her a good grooming about once every three months or so. I used to brush my dogs regularly but I'm not able to any more.
Omg I love her! She's so cute!
She looks just like Doodle and Smudge, (the two Cornish X I keep as pets) after I feed them dinner. 🤣 🤣 🤣
Except this is her begging face-
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"Nope, food? Wheres food? I haven't eaten all day! Nothing other then clover and bugs I foraged. Are you serious! You would really think I'de jump into the 20% protein feed bag and gorge myself??? Who do you think I am? An uncivilized greedy bird !?"
That's exactly what I'm talking about!

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