She really is very PRETTY!

I will never ever ever vote for McCain, he is a liar and a fraud. His own constituents in AZ even don't like him. I would never vote for a man that says sending our jobs overseas is ok, keeping our soldiers still at war, helping Airbus securing a tanker deal when my employer already has tankers in the air flying and is a true product, never a man that is involved with the Keating 5, no way not ever:thun Obama all the way, sorry folks that is the way it is gonna be, get ready for taxes to be raised so we can pay for extra secret service protection. I don't mind it, I just want change
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I agree with the person that said it's good to meet and see people that are part of our history.
We don't have to agree with them but we need to be respectfull.
We live in a free country and have to be thankfull that we all can have opinions wright or wrong. Freedom Rocks. And yes I'm proud to live in USA
Ditto! And while some of us may get FACTS right or wrong, our convictions and emotions and feelings are completely subjective and personal, and it really bothers me to see people here attacked for those things. It's never a mistake to show another person simple respect and graciousness. We never regret NOT being rude. You know?

My husband and I both have family members who have huge ideological differences from us, so maybe we just learned better how to deal with that--it's easier when it's someone you love who disagrees with you, because you learn how to separate the issue from the person. So we've gotten pretty good at kind of biting our tongues and not engaging in potentially hurtful debate, and we feel better for that.
I have been tying to keep up to date with the election process. Agree Sarah Palin is tough, and I admire her and all strong women, who are prepared to take on even tougher roles.

Believe me one day "Womenkind will be the Saviours of Mankind" out world....the women are set to rise..........

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