She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

5 gallon bucket... use small can, soda can, whatever, put small holes with nail in each end as close to centered as you can... string heavy duty wire through it and secure to top of bucket... push can down in center to bend wire on either side of can to keep it centered on wire... smear peanut butter, rodent attractant around can... make ramp or some kind of access for rats to get to top edge of bucket... put a few inches of water in bucket (I top with veggie oil for good measure) and rats will put front feet on can to get the bait, can spins and causes rats to fall in bucket and drown...

These rats can jump high, so I added oil to help keep them from getting out... or use a 30 or 55 gal drum...
I used this for chipmunks ( cutest rodents on earth) - they were nesting in the crawl space under my kitchen - what a disaster.
Oh, yeah... think it was Tues then... it was the day before we had good rain... and yep, I agree about staying out or going into AC... hope the trap works for you, the trick is getting it placed right so they reach for it and can't get their balance back...

two different cans spray paint and carb cleaner both have one center marked and a hatch is still going on two upside down one bcm one ee back out to ck. on them now. haven't even counted yet will do that now.
two different cans spray paint and carb cleaner both have one center marked and a  hatch is still going on two upside down one bcm one ee  back out to ck. on them now. haven't even counted yet will do that now.

I have 40+ chicks now, have Araucana bantams hatching 1 every other day due to 3 crazy broody's I had to take eggs away from, lol... and another batch of eggs due in a week... :barnie
If you get a chance Ravyn, post some pics of your set-up.  I like to see how people manage larger numbers of birds. 

Manage is a rather loose term here, lol... my OH is worse about chicken math than I am... I don't have recent pics, but have a pic of one coop when I first started building my breeding coops...

Thanks for the picture- I definitely need to get serious about what birds I'm going to put where in the future. It has to be easy upkeep since DH is not into chickens at all, but tolerates my hobby...

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