She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

Dang. . . horse people!  You guys are so fortunate!  I loved TWH's when I was young, had books upon books with lots of pretty pictures. :caf

It'll happen one day, though.  Just gotta get into the mountains and get some

Don't have the setup here for them... miss it a lot... :(

My 1st one was just down off his pads when I bought him as a 7 yr old in KY & turned him into a dog horse. Unfortunately, he & another Walker got into an argument with a Chevette in southern IL 18 months later; he lost.

Oh, no!! :hit

'Night all!


I think my tank has run dry... :frow
Goodnight all you who just hot the hay!

A question forb those who've done shipping birds and eggs. What provider of boxes is the most reliable and economic that you've found?

Eggs is just usps priority boxes... can get free from them... as for birds, I've never shipped them but the box my boy came in says Horizon at :confused:

ETA: I really liked it as it had plenty of air holes, but they were all covered with a filter mesh... not perfect bio-security, but better than open holes... and stops any finger poking...
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The biggest reason SC and I wanted to do the thread was to validate the differences people have in methods and philosophies. To let people know that if they find something that is working for them that's what counts and that it's ok to not follow a norm-if it's working. 

I really appreciate that if something different is working for someone else then it's respected here. I was getting so mad at that FB "hatching 911" group because you HAVE to hatch their way or you're "wrong" and not welcome. For example you had a 100% hatch, and they are going to tell you that you are wrong!?!? Frustrates me. But I could just leave the group. Instead I started putting my two sense in and watching everyone flip out. You're only allowed to candle at lockdown in that group. So a newbie wrote in about wanting to check her eggs on day 7 and I told her "go ahead, I candle everyday with GREAT results"....then I just sat back and watched the uproar start. They are going to kick me out! :gig

One thing about this thread is that we have proven that there are multiple methods that work, depending on individual circumstances. Granted, the whole idea behind hatching chickens is basically the same, but I believe we have to find what works in our own conditions. I actually went to look at my Brinsea, because I didn't think it even had any bottom vents. It does, but they are just 4 small holes (smaller than a pencil around) on the bottom of the bator, and they are not closeable. There's only one on the top, with an adjustable slider cover. I left it wide open my last hatch, and I was very happy with the outcome, so I will do the same next time. If Brinsea reads the study, and changes their design, then maybe I'll consider it.
I don't mean to knock surveys and such, I just think we all have to decide for ourselves what works for us. Tips, tricks, and gathering experience from others is wonderful, but it still comes down to my eggs, my way.
You have had many successful hatches, and have lots of fine birds to show for it, so I don't blame you for doing anything the way you want to do it.
Same here
. Feels like we are about to become aunts again! :D

I checked mine too, the brinsea mini, and it only has tiny, tiny holes on the bottom and none on the top that I can see...? But I think they know what they are doing, so I'm not sweating it.
SC has final say in anything parade wise...that's his But I would say 6 cause in my mind you would go by the whole number. ;)   but I would give parades for 50% so..I'm a

X2!!!! :lau

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