She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

But if you sell them, you can't keep them!
But if you sell them you can keep hatching more!! lol

Thank you . since I only have four hours there I have to jump around a lot . do along session and fill the rest of the time doing short ones The HR director said I was doing good . they said forty hours . I'm trying to get done in thirty or less . If I could not be so bored it would help . although today I learned that what I've been doing with my Ben is what they would do.I just watch him and know by his actions what is going on with him. Last time I clocked in on a job was I was in high school .now I have to log in enter a pass word and enter the time .
things sure have changed .
Of course you are doing good! You're awesome!

Has anyone here ever incubated pigeons? Look at this gorgeous fantail pigeon...

(google image, not mine, no idea who it belongs to)
That is beautiful.

That Brinsea has made you lose your mind

I had 3 pips last night, 5 this morning (day 21), but no zippers yet. It's the new incubator. I had to bump the first one up to 100.0, and looks like I will do the same to this one
Good start.


Wrong thread
So I heard from the guy that wants these quail. He's coming to get them Sunday and I'm getting more eggs to set for him next Tuesday. I'll do 3 dozen and keep a few of that hatch for myself, sell him the rest. Which also means I think I'll put some silkie eggs in this weekend too!!

Are they flying yet?

As much as I hate this sate and it's winters, I have to say the scene outside today is pretty with the sun shining. I wish I had a better camera cause these pics don't do it justice:

That's beautiful. Light snow looks amazing here in the southern deserts.
Are they flying yet?

That's beautiful. Light snow looks amazing here in the southern deserts.
I wish it were light It's pure ice. I wish I had a better camera. It litterally looked lke all the trees were glass or diamonds. We got hit hard this weekend and ended up with over a foot of snow and then Monday had ice and freezing rain. It is beautiful though.

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